Welcome to the Budget Buddy App, a real-world budget management application built with SQLite and Expo 50. This project demonstrates the power of developing local-first applications that manage complex data structures with instant performance for CRUD operations.
This app is designed to help users manage their finances effectively using the robustness of SQLite for data management. With its user-friendly interface and powerful backend, Budget Buddy makes budgeting simple and efficient.
Watch the app in action on my YouTube channel: Budget Buddy App Demo
- User-friendly budget tracking
- Instant performance for CRUD operations
- Local-first data management with SQLite
- Built with TypeScript and Expo 50
- Language: TypeScript
- Framework: Expo 50
- Database: SQLite
- Project Type: Mobile
To get started with this project, clone the repository and install the required dependencies.
git clone https://github.com/betomoedano/Budget-Buddy-App.git
cd Budget-Buddy-App
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