Rank candidate answers for a given question.
We first tried some unsupervised models. Although these models are straightforward and simple, they work effectively!
- Word Overlap Count
- IDF weighted
- Q-A distance
- ...
We can use those metrics calculated in unsurpervised models as features of surpervised models. Besides, we can employ other models like CNN and LSTM to extract more features.
In this program, we tried following models:
- Random Forest
- Logistic Regression
- Mixed CNN
- Mixed LSTM
Among these models, the mixed LSTM achieved best performance.
Main code, edited using Jupyter Notebook.
You'd better open this file using Jupyter Notebook.
If you dont's have Jupyter Notebook installed on your computer, please try main.py.
What main.ipynb does:
- read data
- preprocess data
- extract features
- fit models (models are implements in other source files)
- evaluate models
- predict on test dataset
.py version of main.ipynb.
Implementation of an adapted LSTM model using Keras.
Implementation of an adapted CNN model using Keras.
Implementaion of an adapted Genetic Algorithm using DEAP.
This can be used to find respectable parameters for sklearn models, like RandomForestClassifier.
Implementation of pairwise ranking algorithm.
Implementation of some tools.
This program is developed under Python 2.7.
Packages that this program uses include:
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Keras
This program also uses learning2rank. This original repository of learning2rank is https://github.com/shiba24/learning2rank. I forked it and made some modifications. The repository is https://github.com/betterenvi/learning2rank. Therefore the modified version will be better if you want to use learning2rank.
learning2rank also uses some packages, please install them if you want to use learning2rank.
It's possible that I miss some packages that this program actually uses. Therefore, I used the following command to generate requirements.txt file:
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
then you can run the following command:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Actually, many packages listed in requirements.txt have been included in Anaconda.