A light and fast static front-end for users of countries where Pastebin is banned. It was created with Python and Flask.
Official instance: https://pastewin.up.railway.app
It is recommended to use it with the Redirector browser plugin. Example configuration:
Description: Pastebin to Pastewin
Example URL: https://pastewin.up.railway.app/B5EfdLF6
Include pattern: ^https?://(?:.*\.)*(?<!link.)pastebin\.com(/.*)?$
Redirect to: https://pastewin.up.railway.app$1
Pattern type: Regular Expression
Pattern Description: ?
Example result: https://pastewin.up.railway.app/B5EfdLF6
Clone the reporistrory:
git clone https://github.com/beucismis/pastewin
Install dependencies:
cd pastewin
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt
python3 pastewin/app.py
Check the
This project lisanced under GPL-3.0 - for details check LICENSE file.