First Class Multi-World Bevy #17937
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Thanks for the write up! The issue I've always had with "multi-world" is it eventually wants to clash with the access model, i.e.
For various reasons, I'm doubtful that'll work out. I think it'd be wiser for the community to focus on addressing whatever is insufficient about a single world. Looking at the motivationsRenderingIt wasn't mentioned, but IIRC pipelined rendering kickstarted the use of multiple worlds in Bevy. AFAIK the idea of cloning entities to a second world was inspired by this GDC talk. Rendering SMEs may disagree with me, but in hindsight I think "clone entities into a second world" was a mistake. It was/is the root of a lot of technical debt. Bevy could still do pipelined rendering without a second world. The second world just enables an earlier sync point. On paper this means more of the frame N+1 simulation work and frame N rendering work can overlap (which could mean higher FPS), but I think that's very unlikely to see in practice. I think a stronger architecture would scrap the render world, upload data straight from the main world to the GPU, and do GPU-driven rendering. (The render thread can still be there to submit the GPU command queue so that the main thread isn't blocked from beginning the next frame.) Griffin shared an experiment (see this Discord discussion) with a setup like that and IIRC it was much faster than the 0.15 renderer. MultiplayerParaphrasing what you said a little:
You're right. It's challenging to restore a world to an earlier state because of the way networked and non-networked data is mixed together inside it. To expand on why (so that hopefully the stuff I'm gonna suggest further down makes sense), if you add or remove components from one group, it'll displace components from the other group because archetypes and tables in the world don't keep them separate. This is also why you can't easily save and rollback "all networked components" (you instead have to visit those entities one by one). The other thing is all clients need agreed-upon IDs for networked entities and components, but Scene ManagementBased on the example you gave for "separate simulations", I think it may be more apt to call it a scene management issue? IIUC you're talking about situations where you'd like several groups of entities to be present in the That usecase is really interesting. In lieu of greater querying capabilities (like flecs has), I'm inclined to agree that multiple worlds might be the only workable solution for it (provided it's easy to install the same systems in those worlds). (Queries in flecs, for example, can find matching archetypes by traversing relationships. So like, a query can literally require "entity is descendant of <current scene root>" as a term.) How single world UX can be improvedBased on the above, what Partitioning
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Other discussion posts have long requested Multi-World support in Bevy. From those discussions, the consensus seems to be that while multi-world Bevy is desirable, implementation is difficult. This discussion proposes a design for the feature, resolving a number of pain points in Bevy along the way. While this is relatively long, it is well worth the read in my opinion.
Multi-World Bevy has been in discussion for a long time, and although the community is generally on board with it in theory, no consensus has been reached as to how to architect this feature. See discussions #7893 and #2237.
Further, this feature is hard to design at the moment because there are currently lots of ideas being thrown around regarding scheduling, pre-computing access lists for systems, systems as entities #16618, and lots of other considerations that would need to be figured out before a proper design for this can be made.
Before we go further, I want to quickly clarify why multi-world bevy is so important to so many users.
In essence, many bevy worlds communicating together allows work to be divided and data to be categorized. This is an extremely useful feature that is available in most engines. For example, in Godot, this is a viewport with a custom World3d. Bevy's existing SubApp API comes close to this, except that SubApps can not be created to my knowledge after the main App starts. That is a sever limitation compared to other engines.
Here are a few examples of this feature in action:
It is often nice to separate game logic and data from rendering and input logic and data for multiplayer games. Multi-world bevy would allow this by having a server world with the game logic, and a client world with the player/rendering logic. That way, a server just has to run the server world, a client just has to run the client world, and a listen server can just run both. Want to add split-screen? Just start another client world! Each client world could even communicate with different server worlds, allowing lots of flexibility. That's a bit of an over simplification. You also need to have replicated server worlds, but you get the idea. This pattern is extremely useful and is pretty strait forward in other engines, but after lots of experimenting, I think it's currently implausible for bevy.
Another advantage of this is the separation of data. For example, currently, we can't represent if a player is in their inventory or not as a bevy state because we could have multiple players. But, if each player is in their own world, this is trivial. As another example, let's say a local server world gets rolled back due to a bad prediction. The rollback here would have zero danger of corrupting data in player worlds. Currently, roll-back solutions have to tiptoe around non-game-logic entities and components to make sure the roll-back doesn't mess up input data for example. Multi-world bevy would eliminate a lot of bug potential here.
Editors and other tools
It would be nice to be able to inject an arbitrary world into an app that can freely communicate with it. For example, what if the bevy editor was just another world or group of worlds that went in a bevy app? Then, it can communicate directly with the main world instead of having to use bevy remote protocol. This would be much faster. This still probably won't be how the editor is made, but the concept of it makes sense as a feature.
Separate simulations
Take Minecraft for example. What if we could keep the nether and overworld loaded at all times? There would be no nether portal animation. Or, what if two player walk in opposite directions really far from the origin? We can't use floating point origin since they're in opposite directions. Right now, the only real option would be to use BigSpace, but in multi-world bevy, you could just through each player in their own client world. Tada! Problem solved.
I'll stop the examples here in the interest of brevity, but one could imagine lots of other uses for this too. Bevy for data science simulations? Multi-world support would help...
Existing Problems
As mentioned, Bevy already has API's that can be twisted to do some of this. The SubApp, Plugin, and World systems are especially relevant here. They all have problems, and multi-world bevy could fix all of them in my opinion.
Required Plugins
Sooo many plugins depend on others to work. Just look at Plugin. This is currently a pain point in my opinion. These dependencies should be enforced in the type system instead of documentation. It's a small detail, but it's one that can be confusing, especially for new users.
SubApp and App Overlap
This is a big one that causes lots of boiler plate. Look at the way events works! The same feature needs to be implemented for Apps, SubApps, and Worlds. (Though in this case the implementation on World is implicit.) Further, Plugins use almost exclusively the World API. Very few of them add SubApps or use set_runner. There's even a function
which is telling. These APIs should be unified in some sense in my opinion.SubApp extraction can only communicate between two Worlds
If I want one audio world to handle audio from multiple client worlds (for the sake of argument), how can I do that? I could make the source worlds sub apps of the audio world, but that's kind of backwards.
More generally, SubApp extraction represents a one to one relationship, but we sometimes want broader relationships.
Facilitating free flowing multi-world communication
I dealt with this a little in #16933. The short version is that SubApp extractions are not enough long term. We need systems that can reach into other world's data. For example, consider this system running on a player/client world:
It's a bit contrived, but you get the idea. Client worlds need on demand, read-only access to server worlds. Ideally, this is configurable. For example, I should be able to declare that: Client world's update schedule needs read-only access to its server world.
This proposes a new design for a Bevy App that, in my opinion, fixes the above problems. Please bare with me while I do my best to lay out the design. I want to again stress that this is just an opinion. If any version of this is ever implemented, it will probably look substantially different that what I explain here.
Lets go from the top down.
The basic idea here is Worlds as Entities. (When I first though of this idea, I laughed too.)
For now, just play along and see what I mean. Here's the basic structure:
is the base World of the App. It stores SubApps as entities and can store other "one-per-App" structures. This is different from the main World. The main world is now a SubApp in theroot_world
. More on that in a bit.The
is the same idea as before. It would run update schedules on theroot_world
, etc.SubApp
It's a component! To create a new SubApp/World, just add it to the
. Tada!If you're thinking this is crazy, so did I. Hold that thought and watch this:
Plugins are now simple components on SubApp entities. They can require the plugins/components they depend on, modify the SubApp they spawn on (as before), and they can hold relations. For example, a
plugin and aRendered
plugin could use relations to link to each other's Worlds! More advanced features using hooks are also possible. In other words, SubApps::sub_apps is replaced with relations, just like the rest of bevy.Modules
All of this is great, but how do we add functionality to the App itself? Modules. Modules are like the old plugins, and there can only be one per App.
They're resources! When modules are added, they get mutable access to the
. That means they can configure App schedules, etc. For example, a rendering Module could add a system to run the current rendering extraction phase by simply querying for entities with theRenderWorld
plugin and and querying for entities with theRendered
plugin in relationship. In other words, we can reuse Bevy's powerful relations and other system to drive customizable extractions and communications between SubApps.Further, since they are ultimately just resources, they can be added at runtime. This could facilitate modding and scripting in the future!
Solved Problems
Required Plugins
Plugins are Components now, so they can just mark the components they require. This is ultimately a better version of PluginGroups
app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin{ ...}))
becomesroot_world.spawn((DefaultPlugins, WindowPlugin{ ...}))
, just like the rest of bevy! Requirements > Bundles + PluginGroups.SubApp and App Overlap
These are now fundamentally different concepts, so there's no more overlap. Instead of needing to Implement new functionality for App, SubApp, and World, you can just do so for World. If you need access to other plugins as well, you can use the EntityMut of a SubApp or some similar interface.
SubApp extraction can only communicate between two Worlds
Not anymore! Now, modules can use vanilla bevy systems to create custom extractions between as many SubApps as they like.
Facilitating free flowing multi-world communication
Ok, this design does not directly do this, not yet. As mentioned, we can't design this feature fully until we resolve ongoing improvements to scheduling and a few other issues discussed above. However, this design gets us to the point where
systems can gather any SubApps that need communication. So, when such a communication solution does exist, this design will allow it to be used much much more freely.FAQ
I'll add to this section as more ideas are discussed.
How do we add Modules, SubApps, and Plugins after starting an app?
There are lots of ways to facilitate this, but the simplest would be to store a resource in SubApp's World with a CommandQueue for the root_world. We can build abstractions from there.
How does the root_world know when to end the App?
Well, if no SubApps are left, we can end the App. Determining when each SubApp closes can be done the same way it is now. SubApps can send close commands to the
which would despawn the SubApp. For SubApps with the WindowPlugin, this could be configured to fire automatically when the SubApp's main window is closed. In other words, we can reuse all the systems we have now for this at no cost while still supporting other SubApps, etc. We can even make a "close with" relationship to close render worlds, physics worlds, etc when their target SubApp is closed.What if a Plugin is added that needs a Module that is not present?
The Module can be added when it spawns using hooks or some other abstraction. There are lots of options for this.
How can worlds communicate with each other without messing up access lists and the scheduler?
In the short term, we can just have a resource. For example, the render world may do something like:
As long as the resource is inserted and removed during the lifetime of a reference to the
, the pointer can be treated as a reference from the render world's perspective.In the long term, we can build full abstractions here like I did in #16933. It did involve changing access lists, which is something we need to avoid for the sake of the schedulers. However, the scheduler ultimately just needs to know if two systems can run at the same time and on what threads; it doesn't need to know all the details of the access. In other words, if a system needs component A from world 1 and component B from world 2, we could make it so the access list just tells the scheduler, "I need components A and B". It can parallelize from there. Of course, we also need to ensure the system doesn't conflict with itself, but to do that, we could just create an access list for each world, sort of like treating each world as a system. If none of those systems conflict with itself, the multi-world system does not conflict with itself. Then, the access lists can just be merged together and proudly presented to the scheduler. At least, I think they can. May need a ECS-SME here.
How does this compare to SubWorlds
If you are not familiar. There is debate over if we should coordinate multiple worlds or divide one world into multiple partitions called SubWorlds. I am definitely more in favor of Multi-World Bevy. I have shared my thoughts on this below. I don't want to straw man SubWorld here either, so if there are considerations I'm missing, let me know.
Choosing Multi-World Bevy over SubWorlds
Most importantly, this proposal lets us reuse most of bevy's existing systems. If you only need one World, for like a scene or something, all you get is one World. This lets us keep the internals of a world and its storage as dense as possible. We can optimize the world as if it is the only thing that exists. With SubWorlds, there would be more considerations for even basic SystemParams. At the very least, each parameter would need to figure out which partition(s) its information comes from.
Also, Multi-World Bevy allows for multiple resources of the same type (one per world). This is really important for the player states in a multiplayer game. Of course that's just one example, but I already explained it above, so I won't list them further. It is worth mentioning that as resources become more entity-like, this may be possible in SubWorld architecture too, but again, that adds complexity. With multi-world bevy, we can keep the World API simple and fast, and add features on-top of it instead of inside of it.
Flexibility: I don't think I need to expound here much. A lot more is possible with a few worlds working together than one massive, possibly quite tangled, world.
Multi-World architecture requires us to create a system that manages connections between worlds. This proposal uses the new App and
for this, but there may be other solutions too. The reason I call this extra work a "pro" is because it allows us to re-use the world API for worlds themselves. As I've explained, this addresses required Plugins, relationships between groups of entities (Be they classic SubApps, other Worlds, or other SubWorlds/partitions), and requirements as a replacement for bundles/plugin groups.Choosing SubWorlds over Multi-World Bevy SubWorlds
Well, SubWorlds is a bit simpler in some respects. We don't need to coordinate between worlds. But what that really means is that all that coordination work has moved to inside the World itself.
I don't think this would save us from any changes to the access list and scheduling system. Checking access between worlds is fundamentally the same problem as checking access between partitions.
One last Note
I know there are a lot ideas here. If you read the whole thing, thank you so much for your time.
Please keep in mind that these are just ideas at the moment. I want to put them out there because they propose a reasonable solution to a lot of problems and missing features I've seen discussed for a long time here. That is not to say this is the only path forward. I am leaving it up to core maintainers and other SMEs as to whether this is properly motivated and a good direction for Bevy.
As a result, I would appreciate keeping the discussion centered on use cases for this and pointing out flaws in the general idea, etc. We can discuss road maps and implementation details later, assuming core maintainers and the community like this approach.
I will be doing my best to reply to comments and concerns as they arise. If there are flaws with this idea, I'd much rather spot them early!
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