This is a playground of various experiments with SLAM, mapping and visualization
of lidar point clouds. (Ptudes
name is an interplay of P(oint) (e)Tudes
derived from Etude)
It's heavily using and relying on Ouster sensor lidar data, Ouster SDK, public datasets that contain Ouster lidar data and lidar odometry poses obtained from KISS-ICP package.
Everything in ptudes-lab
package works for multi Python (3.8 - 3.11) and
multi OS (Linux, MacOS, Windows).
Table of contents:
Review the registered point cloud map using the per scan poses of the
odometry/slam pipeline with deskewing and point coloring by REFLECTIVITY
channels (channels availability depends on
the UDP Lidar Profile of the data).
You can install ptudes-lab
using Pip from the PyPi
pip install ptudes-lab
or you can install it in editable mode if you plan to modify the code (or want to use not yet released features):
git clone cd ptudes-lab pip install -e .
NOTE: Don't forget to use venv or any other means of controlling the Python environments, they always save a lot of time later down the road.
You can download a sample data from the official sensor docs:
Or you can record it from the sensor if you have one, using ouster-sdk/cli
ouster-cli source <MY_SENSOR_IP> record
You KISS-ICP pose outputs in KITTI format directly running the official
on the previously obtained Ouster .pcap
data using:
kiss_icp_pipeline --deskew ./OS-0-128_v3.0.1_1024x10.pcap
You can use any pose source with --kitti-poses
in the command ptudes
below and not necessarily KISS-ICP
output. For example it can be
the result of some post-processing step (smoothing, loop closure, fusion with
other sensors etc) the only requirement is that the number of poses should be
the same as the number of scans in the .pcap/.bag
Alternatively you can run ptudes ekf-bench ouster
command with
--save-nc-gt-poses poses.csv
to get the trajectory in Newer College Dataset
Ground Truth format (NC GT), which has a much better utility value since it
contains timestamp per pose and can be used to calculate ATE between
Once you have Ouster sensor .pcap/.bag
data and poses per every scan in
KITTI format (or NC GT format) you can run ptudes flyby
command as:
ptudes flyby ./OS-0-128_v3.0.1_1024x10.pcap --kitti-poses ./OS-0-128_v3.0.1_poses_kitti.txt
or for example using .bag
from Newer College dataset and the NC GT ground truth data:
ptudes flyby ./newer-college/2021-ouster-os0-128-alphasense/collection1/2021-07-01-10-37-38-quad-easy.bag \ --meta ./newer-college/2021-ouster-os0-128-alphasense/beam_intrinsics_os0-128.json \ --nc-gt-poses ./newer-college/2021-ouster-os0-128-alphasense/collection1/ground_truth/gt-nc-quad-easy.csv \ --start-scan 20 \ --end-scan 50
Use --help
to see more options like --start-scan/--end-scan
to view only
a specific range of scans.
Some useful keyboard shortcuts for flyby
Key | Action |
Stop/Start flying |
> |
Increase/decrease flying speed |
8 |
Toggle poses/trajectory view |
k / K |
Cycle point cloud coloring mode of accumulated clouds or map |
g / G |
Cycle point cloud color palette of accumulated clouds or map |
j / J |
Increase/decrease point size of accumulated clouds or map |
Ouster sensors produce raw lidar_packets/imu_packets
data in corresponding
ROS topics. To view the point cloud from such raw packets BAGs without spinning a
ROS and installing all drivers one can use ptudes viz
Not tested with ROS2 bags:(
I wasn't been able to locate the ROS2 bag with raw Ouster
, so if you by any chance have such a ROS2 bag that you can share with me I can make sure that both ROS1 and ROS2 bags working for theptudes viz
command. (i.e.ptudes.bag.OusterRawBagSource
packet source can work with ROS1/ROS2 bags)
For example to visualize Newer College dataset BAGS use:
ptudes viz ./newer-college/2021-ouster-os0-128-alphasense/collection1/2021-07-01-10-37-38-quad-easy.bag \ --meta ./newer-college/2021-ouster-os0-128-alphasense/beam_intrinsics_os0-128.json
and it will open:
Since the underlying Viz is the PointViz shipped with Ouster SDK the full list of keyboard shortcuts can be found here
NOTE: Refer to the blog post Lidar odometry smoothing using ES EKF and KissICP for Ouster sensors with IMUs for ES EKF formulation details and experiments described in details.
Ouster Lidar raw .pcap/.bag
recordings almost always come with
imu_packets inside which may be used to get better trajectories estimation
on some tricky cases, like tunnels with less features, fast platform movements
or lower resolution sensors. (though it's not universally better and need to be
used with caution).
ptudes ekf-bench
CLI has various tools with ES EKF implementation that uses
the Ouster imu_packets together with KissICP.
Use ptudes ekf-bench ouster
command that can run on Ouster Lidar raw
recordings in .pcap/.bag
and outputs smoothed KissICP poses that can be
compared with available ground truth automatically (in Newer College Dataset
format) by plotting trajectories together and calculating Average Trajectory
Error (ATE).
For example, result of the run on quad-easy.bag
from the collection1
NCD looks like this:
ptudes ekf-bench ouster ./newer-college/2021-ouster-os0-128-alphasense/collection1/2021-07-01-10-37-38-quad-easy.bag \ --gt-file ./newer-college/2021-ouster-os0-128-alphasense/collection1/ground_truth/gt-nc-quad-easy.csv \ --save-nc-gt-poses quad-easy.csv \ -p graphs
With graphs showing the smoothing in action:
and KissICP adaptive threshold estimates per scan with a corresponding pose innovation from ICP update:
To use ES EKF prediction as a KissICP initial guess, you can use
option with ptudes ekf-bench ouster
And then use ptudes ekf-bench cmp
command to compare various trajectories:
ptudes ekf-bench cmp ./newer-college/2021-ouster-os0-128-alphasense/collection1/ground_truth/gt-nc-quad-easy.csv \ quad-easy.csv \ quad-easy-imu-pred.csv \ -p graphs --xy-plot