Hi there, I'm Abdulbasit π
Welcome to my GitHub profile! I am passionate about software development and have a wide array of projects ranging from web development to blockchain and educational solutions. Below is a summary of some of my notable repositories. Feel free to explore and contribute!
- Description: A dashboard application.
- Language: TypeScript
- Homepage: p2p-dashboard-nine.vercel.app
- Description: A team collaboration board.
- Language: TypeScript
- Description: A simple feature toggle system using Next.Js, Prisma, and MongoDB.
- Language: TypeScript
- Homepage: toggle-system.vercel.app
- Topics: mongodb, mongodb-atlas, next-prisma, nextjs, nextjs-mongodb, nextjs13, prisma, prisma-client, prisma-orm
- Description: A 3D solar system model using Three.js.
- Language: JavaScript
- Description: Voting System on blockchain.
- Language: JavaScript
- Description: A movie API built in Go language.
- Language: Go
- Description: The journey of 100 days of code in different languages.
- Language: Go
- Topics: bootstrap, c, css, go, golang, html-css-javascript, html5, javascript, python, react, react-native, reactjs
- Description: Shoe ecommerce website.
- Language: JavaScript
- Visibility: Private
- Description: An educational solution to improve the education system by making computer-based tests easy and friendly.
- Language: Python
- Topics: education, educational, educational-project, examination, examination-management, examination-system, quiz, quizapp, recruitment, task
- Languages: TypeScript, JavaScript, Go, Python, C, HTML, CSS
- Frameworks: Next.js, React, Prisma
- Databases: MongoDB, PostgreSQL
- Tools: Git, Docker, Kubernetes
- GitHub: bibhestee
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn Profile
- Website: Personal Website
This repository is licensed under MIT License.
Thanks for visiting my profile! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or collaboration ideas. Let's build something amazing together!