phpgo's mission is to provide a small, simple, stable extension for existing and future PHP applications for much higher concurrency, better performance, with lower resouce consumption and work well with most of the existing php features, extensions and frameworks
phpgo: A php extension that brings into php the go core features:
- go routine
- channel
- select
- mutex
- waitgroup
- timer
- go routine scheduler
phpgo also brings in a break-through feature which:
- automatically converts the synchronized function calls in the php extensions (e.g. PDO, redis... etc) into asynchronized
This allows the swithing of execution to another go routine if one go routine is blocked by blocking I/O, thus provides hundred to thousand times of concurrent executions under the same running environment
phpgo can be used under both CLI mode and fast-cgi (php-fpm) mode
phpgo supports php5.4 to 7.2 on linux as of today
The phpgo relies on the the libgo library (thanks libgo!) to provide the underlying coroutine capability, which includes:
- coroutine creation, execution and scheduling
- coroutine local storage
- coroutine listener with the task swap hook capability
- go channel
- go mutex
- hook of system calls (thus allow corroutine switching during blocking system call)
(libgo contains more excellent features and you may want to check them out @ )
steps to install the libgo:
git clone
cd libgo
git checkout master
git pull
git reset --hard c280e6170a7d7bd124d98a8062cb47989f9ae4cd #use a compatible version of libgo
mkdir build
cd build
rm -rf *
cmake ..
make install
steps to build phpgo:
git clone
cd phpgo
./configure -with-php-config=<the path to php-config>
make install
you may probably want to do a test first to ensure everything is fine before start using phpgo
cd phpgo export TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE=./test_php php run-tests.php tests
ensure there are no FAIL'ed test cases
then, add the following line into the php.ini
use \go\Scheduler; //for the Scheduler functions
go(function(){ //creates a go routine
echo "Hello World!" . PHP_EOL;
Scheduler::join(); //execute all go routines
run this program under the command line:
#php hello_world.php
Hello World!
Have fun!
phpgo can be used under fast-cgi (php-fpm) mode, following are the steps:
You need to modify your php-fpm service management script (/etc/init.d/php-fpm), add the following line to the /etc/init.d/php-fpm at the very begining of the "start)" section:
after your modification, the file should look like the following:
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting php-fpm - with libgo preloaded"
$php_fpm_BIN --daemonize $php_opts
if [ "$?" != 0 ] ; then
echo " failed"
exit 1
then issue a "service php-fpm reload" to make the modification take effect
#service php-fpm reload
The reason to do that is for you to obtain the capability that allows the swithing of execution to another go routine while a go routine is I/O blocked, the does the trick. For more information, see the dedicated section below that describes the details of what libgo has done for this capability, why the LD_PRELOAD is needed and how it functions.
A typical way to setup the go scheduler is to add the Scheduler::join() into the index.php
use \go\Scheduler
your existing code which typically boots up a framework(e.g, laravel)
who in turns runs your web service
Scheduler::join(); // the last line
The places that you most likely to use the phpgo functions/methods are the Models / Controllers. The following code demonstrates a uses case where an API gateway consolidate a user's basic information, order placed, and browsing history and send back to the web broswer:
use \go\Scheduler;
function getUserDetailInfo(){
$userid = $_GET['userid'];
$user_details = [];
$user_orders = [];
$user_browsing_history = [];
$redis = new Redis();
$user_details = $redis->get( "user_details_of_" . $userid );
}, [&$user_details]);
$pdo = new PDO(...);
$user_orders = $pdo->query("select * from tb_order where userid = $userid");
}, [&$user_orders]);
$curl = new Curl(...);
$user_browsing_history =
}, [&$user_browsing_history]);
$result = array(
'user_details' = > $user_details,
'user_orders' => $user_orders,
'user_browsing_history' => $user_browsing_history,
echo json_encode($result);
The code above creates 3 go routines, which run in parallel getting the user basic information, order information and browsing history from redis, databases, and a microservice running http interface; the Scheduler::join() schedules and wait all the 3 go routines to finish running; then the code send back the consolidated result to the broswer
As we all know, due to the synchronized nature of php, in a php script all operations have to be exectued in sequence, in an API gateway that has a lot of interactions with other conter-parts, the total amount of execution time of a script can easily become unacceptable. By using phpgo, the amount of total execution time can reduce to the time of a single operation(given the operations are independent and can be executed in parallel)
to be updated...
libgo supports using boost context for context switching (default context switching mechanism is u_context) which provides a much better coroutine switch performance (5+ times).
If you are using the phpgo under production environment, it's recommended that you enable the boost context switching by the steps below:
Firstly, you'll need to install boost 1.59.0+, I'll suggest you use 1.59.0, since libgo is using 1.59.0 in auto-integeration testing (as of today: 2018/5/25)
#tar -xvf boost_1_59_0.tar.gz
#cd boost_1_59_0
#./b2 -q install
Then, you'll need to add -DENABLE_BOOST_CONTEXT=ON option to the "cmake" command
#cd libgo/build
#rm -rf *
#make && make install
note: if you see compiler errors during the "make" step, make sure you've done the "rm -rf * " under the build directory