For generic skin emulator with default apis (without google apis):
List All System Images Available for Download: sdkmanager --list | grep system-images
Download Image: sdkmanager --install "system-images;android-29;default;x86"
Create Emulator: echo "no" | avdmanager --verbose create avd --force --name "generic_10" --package "system-images;android-29;default;x86" --tag "default" --abi "x86"
I recommend adding these lines to: ~/.android/avd/generic_10.avd/config.ini # proper screen size for emulator
hw.keyboard=yes # enables keys from your laptop to be sent to the emulator
If you cannot do this, you can still pass -skin 1080x1920 as an argument when starting the emulator.
Run Emulator: emulator @generic_10 &
to resize tmp to 8G
sudo mount -o remount,size=8G,noatime /tmp;
- requires maven, ant, java8, gradle6.2, android sdk in path
- sh
Welcome to Bitcoin Wallet, a standalone Bitcoin payment app for your Android device!
This project contains several sub-projects:
- wallet: The Android app itself. This is probably what you're searching for.
- market: App description and promo material for the Google Play app store.
- integration-android: A tiny library for integrating Bitcoin payments into your own Android app (e.g. donations, in-app purchases).
- sample-integration-android: A minimal example app to demonstrate integration of Bitcoin payments into your Android app.
You'll need git, a Java 8 SDK (or later) and Gradle 4.4 (or later) for this. We'll assume Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) for the package installs, which comes with OpenJDK 8 and Gradle 4.4.1 out of the box.
# first time only
sudo apt install git gradle openjdk-8-jdk
Create a directory for the Android SDK (e.g. android-sdk
) and point the ANDROID_HOME
variable to it.
Download the Android SDK Tools
and unpack it to $ANDROID_HOME/
Finally, the last preparative step is acquiring the source code. Again in your workspace, use:
# first time only
git clone -b master bitcoin-wallet
cd bitcoin-wallet
You can build all sub-projects in all flavors at once using Gradle:
# each time
gradle clean build
For details about building the wallet see the specific README.
You can install the app from the app store of your choice:
- Testnet: F-Droid | Google Play
- Mainnet: F-Droid | Google Play