The service that runs on the host systems and is responsible for provisioning and managing one or more protocols on a single server.
- Make sure you have installed:
:nvm install node; npm install --global git-conventional-commits
:cargo install cargo-release
- Run
cargo release --execute $(git-conventional-commits version)
or simplymake new-release
- CI
workflow will then build a bundle and create a new GH release - Bundle is automatically deployed on DEV environment. When bundle is tested and ready to promote
on STAGING or PROD environment, use
make promote-staging
/make promote-prod
env variable set).
See BlockVisor Host Setup Guide for more details.
Published version of above guide with bvup
tool can be found here.
BV is protocol agnostic system that uses plugin system to add support for specific protocols.
So-called Babel Plugin, that translates BV protocol agnostic interface (aka Babel API) into protocol specific calls, always comes together with node image.
See Node Image Builder Guide for more details on how to add new protocol support to Blockvisor.
API proto files are stored in separate repository.
Note that git submodules are used to bring the protos to this project.
git submodule update --init --recursive
- internal BV error (potential bug) or nonrecoverable error that requires manual actions; error should rise alertwarn
- abnormal events that BV is capable to handle, e.g. networking issues, node recovery; may be caused by external errors, but BV should recover when external system get back to normalinfo
- main actions with minimum context, e.g. node created; avoid for frequently recurring actions like sending node statusdebug
- Detailed actions flow with variables, include recurring actions like sending node status; used during debugging issues, not printed by defaulttrace
- debug messages used on development phase by devs
bundle versions that failed to be installed/opt/blockvisor/current
symlink to current<version>
whole bundle/etc/blockvisor.json
generated bybvup <PROVISION_TOKEN>
, but can be later modified/etc/systemd/system/blockvisor.service
nodes_manager state persistence/var/lib/blockvisor/nodes/<uuid>/
node specific data/var/lib/blockvisor/nodes/<uuid>/state.json
node state persistence/var/lib/blockvisor/nodes/<uuid>/
Babel plugin data persistence (see load_data/save_data functions in RHAI plugin scripting guide)/var/lib/blockvisor/nodes/<uuid>/plugin_config.json
Babel plugin config persistence/var/lib/blockvisor/nodes/<uuid>/rootfs/
node rootfs/var/lib/blockvisor/nodes/<uuid>/data/
protocol data dir, bind to node/blockjoy/
, persist node upgrade
node specific Babel plugin files/blockjoy/.babel_jobs/
archive jobs (e.g. download) metadata dir/blockjoy/.protocol_data.lock
protocol data lock filetouch
ed whenever service using that data is started/blockjoy/protocol_data/
directory where protocol data are downloaded (uploaded from)
See BV tests for more.
participant user as User
participant frontend as Fronted
participant backend as API
participant host as Host
participant storage as Storage
user->>frontend: add new Host
frontend->>backend: new Host
backend-->>frontend: PROVISION_TOKEN
frontend-->>user: bvup with PROVISION_TOKEN
user->>host: run bvup with PROVISION_TOKEN
host->>backend: provision host
host->> storage: download bundle
host->>host: run bundle installer
participant backend as API
participant bv as BlockvisorD
participant apptainer as Apptainer
backend->>bv: NodeCreate
bv-->>bv: mount node rootfs
bv-->>backend: InfoUpdate
backend->>bv: NodeStart
bv-->>backend: InfoUpdate
bv->>apptainer: start container
bv->>apptainer: start babel inside running container (listening on UDS)
participant cli as BV CLI
participant bv as BlockvisorD
participant babel as Babel
cli->>bv: Node Method
bv ->> bv: call method on Babel plugin
bv ->> babel: run_*, start_job, ...
Note right of bv: forward run_*, start_job and other calls<br> to bebel, so it can be run on the node
babel -->> bv:
Note right of bv: result is sent back to BVand processed<br> by Babel plugin
bv-->>cli: response
participant repo as Bundle Storage
participant bv as BlockvisorD
participant installer as bundle/installer
loop configurable check interval
bv ->> repo: check for update
repo -->> bv: no updates
repo -->> bv: update available
bv ->> repo: download latest bundle
bv ->> installer: launch installer
participant api as API
participant bv as BlockvisorD
participant installer as bundle/installer
participant sysd as SystemD
alt running version is not blacklisted (this is not rollback)
installer ->> installer: backup running version
alt BlockvisorD is running
installer ->> bv: notify about started update
activate bv
bv ->> api: change status to UPDATING
bv ->> bv: finish pending actions
deactivate bv
installer ->> installer: switch current version (change symlinks)
installer ->> sysd: restart BlockvisorD service
sysd ->> bv: restart BlockvisorD service
installer ->> bv: finalize update and get health check status
activate bv
alt update succeed
bv ->> bv: update Babel on running nodes
bv ->> api: change status to IDLE
bv -->> installer: ok
installer ->> installer: cleanup old version
else update failed
bv -->> installer: err
installer ->> installer: mark this version as blacklisted
alt was it rollback
installer ->> api: send rollback error (broken host) notification
installer ->> installer: launch installer from backup version
deactivate bv
participant bv as BlockvisorD
participant apptainer as Apptainer
participant babel as Babel
activate bv
alt Start node
bv ->> apptainer: start container
bv ->> bv: copy fresh babel binary into node rootfs
bv ->> babel: start babel inside running container
activate babel
deactivate babel
else Attach to running node
activate babel
bv -->> babel: request graceful shutdown
babel ->> babel: finish pending actions
babel ->> babel: graceful shutdown
deactivate babel
bv ->> bv: copy fresh babel binary into node rootfs
bv ->> babel: start babel again
activate babel
bv ->> babel: check JobRunner binary
alt JobRunner checksum doesn't match
bv ->> babel: send new JobRunner binary
babel ->> babel: replace JobRunner binary
Note right of babel: JobRunner perform protocol action/entrypoint<br> so it is not restarted automatically
deactivate babel
deactivate bv
Blockvisor includes protocol data snapshot tooling, optimized for large datasets. It enables automated uploads and downloads of dataset snapshots to S3-compatible object storage. This allows much quicker node provisioning by using pre-downloaded data.
Blockvisor is agnostic of dataset structure, which may vary form protocol to protocol. On the other hand, cloud storage has limitations (e.g. on single object size). Additionally, dataset structure may not be optimal for massive data uploads or downloads.
Hence, Blockvisor transforms filesystem data into list of chunks optimized for cloud transfer and storage. All necessary metadata mappings are stored in the download manifest. Splitting the data into chunks enables concurrency and parallelism for the upload and download process, effectively speeding up the transfer while also maintaining compliance with cloud storage provider rate-limits. Because each provider has a different approach around limitations, the upload function may be fine-tuned according to each provider's requirements. Also, the chunks are compressed on the fly, which further reduces the amount of data that needs to be transferred, required storage and transfer times.
An upload can run from any node running on a host that has the necessary upload permissions. It can be triggered manually with
bv node run upload
command, or periodically from an external cron-like job or from an internal, scheduled rhai task.
See Protocol Data Archives and Default upload for more details on the built-in upload function.
Download is ran as part of node initialization (see Default init for more details). If protocol data is not downloaded yet (or initialized in other way) and there is a snapshot available for the node image variant, a download job will be started automatically. The jobs that are configured on the node which affect and use blockchain data will depend on the download function and will be started once it's completed.
While it's the API that manages cloud storage access, Blockvisor doesn't authenticate with the cloud storage directly, rather it gets pre-signed urls form the API whenever it needs to upload or download datasets. That enables central access management and easier switching of S3 compatible cloud storage providers.
The datasets are split into chunks whose parameters are computed for compatibility with the cloud storage provider. The way chunks will get reassembled, what the file locations are and other metadata is stored in download manifest. Each chunk may map into part of a single file or multiple files (i.e. original disk representation). Downloaded chunks, after decompression, are written into disk location(s) described by the destinations included in metadata.
Example of chunk-file mapping:
A specific data snapshot is associated with a given node variant via the storage_key
field in the node babel.yaml
Based on that the API knows which data set matches the node that is requesting the data from any given image variant.
Usually, in order to keep dataset up to date, uploads should be triggered periodically (e.g. via a scheduled task). In order to account for these consecutive uploads, the API will automatically version the datasets.
Note: The API itself or Blockvisor won't handle any cleanups of old datasets, it's your responsibility to ensure that old datasets are removed when they are no longer needed.
While in theory chunk size can be arbitrary, in practice it may have significant impact on upload/download performance and reliability. Smaller chunks generate bigger manifest (more chunks to describe), but bigger chunks are harder to upload in single POST request. In the upload case, chunks size has also direct impact on memory consumption. If compression is enabled, chunk size is not known upfront, so the uploader needs to read all data into memory before being uploaded. As a consequence, memory consumption may rise up to the chunk size times the number of max_runners. Empirically, it was determined that chunk size around 500MB works best for mainstream cloud providers.
- get manifest header
- ask API for a couple of chunks (with presigned urls)
- run parallel workers (number of workers defined by
field in DownloadJob config) - each worker:
- download chunk data from presigned url
- decompress on it the fly and pass to writer thread
- go back to step 2. or writer put data it into file system according to destination metadata form manifest
participant bv as BlockvisorD
participant job as DownloadJob
participant api as API
participant storage as Storage
bv ->> job: start
job ->> api: get manifest header
activate api
api -->> job: manifest header
deactivate api
job ->> api: get chunks
activate api
api -->> job: chunks
deactivate api
job ->> storage: GET chunk
job ->> job: decompress and write into file system
- scan protocol data and prepare manifest blueprint
- ask API for a couple of upload slots (with presigned urls)
- run parallel workers (number of workers defined by
field in UploadJob config) - each worker:
- read data from FS and compress it
- upload chunk to presigned url
- go back to step 2. or send manifest blueprint to API
participant job as UploadJob
participant bv as BlockvisorD
participant api as API
participant storage as Storage
bv ->> job: start
job ->> job: skan file system
job ->> api: get upload slots
activate api
api -->> job: slots
deactivate api
job ->> job: read data from file system
job ->> storage: POST chunk
job ->> api: put manifest blueprint