The script allows you to perform the following operations related to mime types:
- File info
- Refresh mimeinfo.cache - database cache for desktop file
- Refresh mime directories: */mime
- Set default appplication for mime type
- Edit mimeapps.list for all users - Additional associations / blocked associations
- Edit mimeapps.list for current user - Additional associations / blocked associations
- Create new mime-type, for advanced users
- Install new mime-type for all users
- Install new mime-type for current user
- Uninstall mime-type
- xdg-utils : v1.1.3+45+g301a1a4-1
- findutils : v4.9.0-3
- glib : v2 2.76.4-1
- gawk : v5.2.2-1
- desktop-file-utils : v0.26-2
- shared-mime-info : v2.2+13+ga2ffb28-1
Clone repositoty to the selected directory, use the command:
git clone
Grant execution permisions for the
chmod 755
You copy script to the directory where you store scripts. Default Places for our scripts are:
- /usr/share/local/bin/
- $HOME/local/bin/
Check key PATH in environment variables for the presence of the above search paths - command:
If you want add your path, use the files where you add variables:
- /etc/environment
- $HOME/.profile
- $HOME/.xinitrc
All script configuration options are in the section: SECTION CONFIG SCRIPT
# locations from which the script will show files to examine for their mime type
file_types_in_directories="$HOME/Documents/ $HOME/Download/ $HOME/Picture/ $HOME/Musics/ $HOME/Video/ $HOME/Graphics/"
# locations for searching desktop files for some script functions
searched_desktop_localizations="/usr/share/applications/ /usr/local/share/applications/ $HOME/.local/share/applications/ /opt/"
# Your favourite GUI or terminal editor
# Locations for installation your xml file
# Colors