Docker image for web console
docker run -p 8080:8080 boolivar/hawtio:latest
Open console at http://localhost:8080/hawtio
Container entrypoint supports Hawtio CLI configuration options:
docker run boolivar/hawtio:latest -V
Release with the greatest version from boolivar/hawtio:<version>
Image based on eclipse-temurin:21
with jbang installed to run hawtio.
Image is based on eclipse-temurin:21-alpine
with bash
and jbang installed to run hawtio.
build-arg is required to build image using Dockerfile:
docker build -t hawtio:4.3.0 --build-arg HAWTIO_VERSION=4.3.0 .
See Dockerfile for supported build args.
Java is required to build image using gradle:
./gradlew build