🔗 Split-panelled Chart Version
🔗 Pixel Time-Series Chart Version
📌 Code Snippet to load and visualize a model in Google Earth Engine - Code Editor:
// Replace 'BAWW' and '2020' with your species and year of interest.
var demoImage = ee.Image('projects/bamp-nationalmodel/assets/BAWW/BAWW_mosaic_2020')
.select([0]); // Selects the first band (population prediction)
// Display the raster on the map
Map.addLayer(demoImage, {min: 0, max: 0.2, palette: ['blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'red']}, 'Demo Raster');
// Zoom the map to North America
Map.setCenter(-98.5, 55, 4);