Maybe monad implementation in Typescript. Inspired from Haskell Maybe and Java Optional< T >
Maybe monad is an abstraction for values that may or may not exist
Maybe does not replace the exception mechanism but in most cases the use of Maybe to represent the non-existence of a value is more appropriate.
I recommend this excellent article to understand Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures or his javascript translation
npm i --save maybe-monade
import {Maybe} from "maybe-monade"
const isUserAuthenticated: boolean = getUserById(2)
.map<boolean>({expire} => expire > new Date())
.do(x => console.log)
export const getUserById = (id: number): Maybe<IUser> => {
const user: IUser = { id, email: "" };
return id < 1 ? Maybe.none() : Maybe.some(user);
export const getUserToken = (user: IUser): Maybe<IAppUser> => {
const { id, email } = user;
const appuser: IAppUser = {
token: "HAAZNEBD12",
expire: new Date(2020, 1, 1)
return !email ? Maybe.none() : Maybe.some(appuser);
fromValue< T >(value: T): Maybe< T >
const zero = Maybe.fromValue<number>(0);
expect(zero).toEqual({value: 0}); // some maybe
const scoped = () => {
const undefined = 2;// undefined as variable name
.toEqual({value: 2}); // maybe some
.toEqual({value: null}); // none maybe
.toEqual({value: null}); // none maybe
getOrElse(defaultValue: T): T
const getNothing = (): Maybe<number> => Maybe.none();
const value: number = getNothing().getOrElse(0);
orElse(alternative: () => Maybe< T >): Maybe< T >
const getNothing = (): Maybe<number> => Maybe.none();
const value: Maybe<number> = getNothing().orElse(() => Maybe.some(0));
expect(value).toEqual(Maybe.some(0)); //unsafe get
map< R >(fmap: (value: T) => R): Maybe< R >
const value = Maybe.some(2).map(x => x + 1);
flatMap< R >(f: (value: T) => Maybe< R >): Maybe< R >
const value = Maybe.some(2).flatMap(x => Maybe.some(x).map(y => y + 1));
get(): T
const value = Maybe.some(2).get();
expect(() => Maybe.none().get()).toThrow();
do(f: (value: T) => void): Maybe< T >
Maybe.some(2).do(console.log); // print 2
filter(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): Maybe< T >
const value = Maybe.some(2).filter(x => x % 3 === 0);
const value = Maybe.none();
const value = Maybe.some(2);
from throwable function
const throws = (): number => {
throw new Error("error");
const wrapped = Maybe.fromFunction<number>(throws);
const wrappedResult = wrapped.applySafe();
expect(wrappedResult).toEqual({ value: null });
from undefined function
// callback which could be empty
const callback: any = undefined;
const wrappedCallback = Maybe.fromFunction<number>(callback);
// executing undefined function returns None
// instead of throwing "undefined is not a function" Error
const result = wrappedCallback.apply();
expect(result).toEqual({ value: null });
from some function
const div = (a: any, b: any) => a / b;
const safeDiv = Maybe.fromFunction<number>(div);
const just3 = safeDiv.apply(1, 2);
expect(just3).toEqual({ value: 0.5 });
from some function returning null
const square = (a: number | null): number | null => (a ? a * a : null);
const maybe_square = Maybe.fromFunction<number>(square);
const maybe_result = maybe_square.apply(null);
const mapped_result = => x + 1).map(x => x + 2); // expected => {value: null}
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