💼 Software engineer from Curitiba, Brazil. Former Professor of Introduction to Programming Languages. Microsoft .NET C# Certified Specialist (heading to AWS Solutions Architect), I have almost 20 years of computer science experience, specialized in programming languages, computer systems and infrastructure.
🎓 Bachelor's degree in Physics from Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR) where I'm researcher in the areas of observational astrophysics and spectroscopy. Science advocate and popularizer, I write and maintain a website about Physics and Astronomy.
🌟 I'm also CTO and Chief Software Architect of Sinaxys, a deep-job platform for healthcare professionals; and co-founder of ContaExpert, an online accounting startup.
Ruby (and the Ruby on Rails framework) is my main programming ecosystem since 2016. I'm also experienced in JavaScript, TypeScript, C#/.NET Core and PHP. I've used Python for scientific purposes only.
I've contributed to Visual Studio Code, Adobe Brackets (⚰️), Brave Browser and a lot to DIM Destiny Item Manager's new features and translations to Brazilian Portuguese. Throughout my life I created some interesting open source projects:
- Enchanter: wizard plugin for Bootstrap 5 in vanilla JavaScript.
- Localizer.js: real-time internationalization of websites in TypeScript.
- Addictive Community: open-source forum software in PHP (deprecated).