This modification can do double-chromosome indexing/query as an option. The text file must be first sorted by two chromosome columns and then by the first position column. The file must be compressed using bgzip. The index has an extension .px2.
git clone
cd pairix
# add the bin path to PATH
# compression
bgzip textfile
# indexing
pairix -s<chr1_column> [-d<chr2_column>] -b<pos1_start_column> -e<pos1_end_column> [-u<pos2_start_column> -v<pos2_end_column>] textfile.gz # u, v is required for full 2d query.
# querying
pairix textfile.gz region1 [region2 [...]] ## region is in the following format.
pairix textfile.gz '<chr1>:<start1>-<end1>[|<chr2>:<start2>-<end2>]' # make sure to quote, so '|' is not interpreted as a pipe.
- Currently 2D indexing supports only 2D query and 1D indexing supports only 1D query. Ideally, it will be extended to support 1D query for 2D indexed files. (future plan)
- The index produced by this modified pairix is not compatible with the original pairix index. They are based on different structures.
- Note that if the chromosome pair block are ordered in a way that the first coordinate is always smaller than the second ('upper-triangle'), a lower-triangle query will return an empty result. For example, if there is a block with chr1='6' and chr2='X', but not with chr1='X' and chr2='6', then the query for X|6 will not return any result. The search is not symmetric.
(column 2 and 6 are chromosomes (chr1 and chr2), column 3 is position of the first coordinate (pos1)).
# the following has already be done and the final is already in the samples folder.
cut -d' ' -f1-8 /n/data1/hms/dbmi/park/sl325/juicer/SRR1658832/aligned.20160803/merged_nodups.txt | sort -t' ' -k2,2 -k6,6 -k3,3g - > merged_nodup.chrblock_sorted.txt
sed 's/ /\t/g' merged_nodup.chrblock_sorted.txt > samples/ ## note that sed may not work for every implementation.
head samples/
0 1 49819 93 0 1 16858344 44945
0 1 108364 242 16 1 255090 508
16 1 108871 246 16 1 222643221 508360
0 1 110012 248 16 1 116929 264
0 1 114876 256 0 1 156133 357
0 1 122900 271 0 1 224115759 511974
0 1 128053 280 0 1 129622 284
16 1 128155 280 16 1 251467 498
0 1 139312 305 0 1 141553 315
0 1 142396 316 0 1 222981299 509189
bgzip samples/
2D indexing with pairix on chromosome pair (-s2 -d6) and the position of the first chromosome (b3). For full 2D query, also add -u7 and -v7, the start and end positions of the second coordinate. They are not used for indexing per se, but the column index is stored as part of the index, which allows full 2D query through individual comparisons.
pairix -f -s2 -d6 -b3 -e3 -u7 samples/
semi 2D query (chr10:1-1000000 x chr20)
pairix samples/ '10:1-1000000|20'
0 10 624779 1361 0 20 40941397 97868
16 10 948577 2120 16 20 59816485 148396
full 2D query (chr10:1-1000000 x chr20:50000000-60000000)
pairix samples/ '10:1-1000000|20:50000000-60000000'
16 10 948577 2120 16 20 59816485 148396
full 2D multi-query (chr1:1-10000000 x chr20:50000000-60000000 AND 3:5000000-9000000 x X:70000000-90000000)
pairix samples/ '1:1-10000000|20:50000000-60000000' '3:5000000-9000000|X:70000000-90000000'
16 1 4717358 10139 16 20 55598650 138321
0 1 5649238 12370 16 20 59660150 148059
16 1 6651242 15069 0 20 50444303 124692
0 1 6930805 15906 16 20 50655496 125483
0 1 8555535 20339 0 20 55253919 137318
16 3 5025392 11911 16 X 86766531 207787
0 3 5298790 12678 0 X 84731179 203102
0 3 7272964 17297 0 X 88560374 211726
16 3 8402388 19935 16 X 77717595 187377
1D indexing
pairix -s1 -b2 -e2 -f samples/SRR1171591.variants.snp.vqsr.p.vcf.gz
1D query
pairix samples/SRR1171591.variants.snp.vqsr.p.vcf.gz chr10:1-4000000
chr10 3463966 . C T 51.74 PASS AC=2;AF=1.00;AN=2;DB;DP=2;Dels=0.00;FS=0.000;HaplotypeScore=0.0000;MLEAC=2;MLEAF=1.00;MQ=50.00;MQ0=0;POSITIVE_TRAIN_SITE;QD=25.87;VQSLOD=7.88;culprit=FS GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL 1/1:0,2:2:6:79,6,0
chr10 3978708 rs29320259 T C 1916.77 PASS AC=2;AF=1.00;AN=2;BaseQRankSum=1.016;DB;DP=67;Dels=0.00;FS=0.000;HaplotypeScore=629.1968;MLEAC=2;MLEAF=1.00;MQ=50.00;MQ0=0;MQRankSum=0.773;POSITIVE_TRAIN_SITE;QD=28.61;ReadPosRankSum=0.500;VQSLOD=3.29;culprit=FS GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL 1/1:3,64:67:70:1945,70,0
chr10 3978709 . G A 1901.77 PASS AC=2;AF=1.00;AN=2;BaseQRankSum=0.677;DB;DP=66;Dels=0.00;FS=0.000;HaplotypeScore=579.9049;MLEAC=2;MLEAF=1.00;MQ=50.00;MQ0=0;MQRankSum=0.308;POSITIVE_TRAIN_SITE;QD=28.81;ReadPosRankSum=0.585;VQSLOD=3.24;culprit=FS GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL 1/1:3,63:66:73:1930,73,0