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Calimero-core provides (secure) KNX communication protocols, KNX datapoint & property access, and management functionality. JDK 17 (java.base) is the minimum required runtime environment. Calimero was developed with a focus on applications that run on embedded devices and require a small footprint.
Code examples for using this library are shown in the introduction.
Changes with Calimero v3 snapshots
Prior | => | New | |
Maven group ID | com.github.calimero | io.calimero | |
Modules | n/a | io.calimero.* | |
Packages |* | io.calimero.* | |
Logging prefix | calimero.* | io.calimero.* | |
Logging API | SLF4J | System.Logger |
- KNX IP Secure
- Discovery and Self-description
- Tunneling
- Multicast (example of creating a secure network link)
- Busmonitor
- Device Management
- KNXnet/IP
- Discovery and Self-description
- Tunneling
- Routing
- Busmonitor
- Device Management
- KNX FT1.2 protocol (serial connections using EMI2 or cEMI)
- TP-UART (access TP1 networks over serial connections)
- BAOS (Bus Access und Object Server)
- DPT encoding/decoding of Java/KNX data types
- Process Communicator client
- Group Monitor
- KNX Data Secure
- 1.x - Boolean, e.g., Switch, Alarm
- 2.x - Boolean controlled, e.g., Switch Controlled, Enable Controlled
- 3.x - 3 Bit controlled, e.g., Dimming, Blinds
- 5.x - 8 Bit unsigned value, e.g., Scaling, Tariff information
- 6.x - 8 Bit signed value, e.g., Percent (8 Bit), Status with mode
- 7.x - 2 octet unsigned value, e.g., Unsigned count, Time period
- 8.x - 2 octet signed value, e.g., Percent, Delta time seconds
- 9.x - 2 octet float value, e.g., Temperature, Humidity
- 10.x - Time
- 11.x - Date
- 12.x - 4 octet unsigned value
- 13.x - 4 octet signed value, e.g., Counter pulses, Active Energy
- 14.x - 4 octet float value, e.g., Acceleration, Electric charge
- 16.x - String, e.g., ASCII string, ISO-8859-1 string (Latin 1)
- 17.x - Scene number
- 18.x - Scene control
- 19.x - Date with time
- 20.x - 8 Bit enumeration, e.g., Occupancy Mode, Blinds Control Mode
- 21.x - Bit array of length 8, e.g., General Status, Room Heating Controller Status, 8-bit Cannel Activation
- 22.x - Bit array of length 16, implemented are DHW Controller Status, RHCC Status, Media Type, 16-bit Channel Activation
- 28.x - UTF-8 string
- 29.x - 64 Bit signed value, e.g., Active Energy, Apparent energy
- 229.001 - M-Bus metering value, with the various M-Bus VIF/VIFE codings
- 232.x - RGB color value
- 242.600 - xyY color
- 243.600 - color transition xyY
- 249.600 - brightness & color temperature transition
- 250.600 - brightness & color temperature control
- 251.600 - RGBW color
- 252.600 - relative control RGBW
- 253.600 - relative control xyY
- 254.600 - relative control RGB
Access via KNXnet/IP, KNX USB, KNX RF USB, TP-UART, and FT1.2
- TP1
- PL110
- RF
- KNX Management Layer
- KNX Management Procedures
- cEMI Local Device Management
- KNX Data Secure
- cEMI standard and extend L-Data
- cEMI Busmonitor
- cEMI Device Management
- EMI1/2 standard L-Data
- EMI1/2 Busmonitor
- State/command-based datapoint buffer to answer .reqs, buffer incoming .ind updates
Calimero uses the System.Logger. Bind any desired logging frameworks of your choice.
For unit tests, Calimero provides a test network consisting of a KNXnet/IP server and a virtual KNX network with two KNX devices. The complete test network is implemented in software, and can be executed in any J2SE runtime environment. The network provides the remote KNXnet/IP endpoint for executing unit tests for KNXnet/IP tunneling, busmonitoring, routing, device management, and KNX IP protocols. The same network setup is used for Calimero CI on Github.
Start the test network (gradle run
) in the directory "calimero-core/test/testnetwork-launcher" before running any KNXnet/IP or KNX IP tests. When using Gradle, KNXnet/IP tests can be excluded via useJUnitPlatform() { excludeTags 'knxnetip' }
Currently, the TP-UART and FT1.2 protocols can only be tested if the corresponding hardware is available.
- introduction provides code examples in Java and Kotlin for programming with Calimero.
- calimero-tools offers command-line tools for (secure) KNX process communication, monitoring, and management, BAOS communication, and ETS 5 datapoint import.
- calimero-gui provides a graphical user interface (based on SWT) for (secure) process communication, monitoring, and management.
- calimero-server is the Calimero KNXnet/IP Server and provides KNXnet/IP (Secure) access to KNX networks.
- calimero-device is the communication stack to implement a KNX device.
- serial-native provides native libraries for serial port access (using JNI) on Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
- import-ets-xml imports ETS XML KNX datapoints for use with Calimero (ETS 5.7 and later is not supported, use calimero-tools).