a react.js component for general promise - no need for statefull component just to render a value hidden behind a promise. Let's consider a this trivial example:
you have a promise such as this
let prom = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function () {
resolve('a value')
}, 100)
and you want to make a component, which renders out in it's body 'a value'. Without react-async, such component looks like this:
class ExampleWithoutAsync extends React.Component {
constructor () {
this.state = {}
prom.then((value) => {
this.setState({val: value})
render () {
if (!this.state.val) return
return <div>{this.state.val}</div>
and with react-async:
import Async from 'react-async'
const ExampleWithAsync = (props) => <Async promise={prom} then={(val) => {return <div>{val}</div>}/>
Much simpler, especially if your component is read-only, like the example.
With jspm:
jspm i npm:react-async
or with npm:
npm i react-async
- promise a promise you want to wait for
- then(optional) runs when promise is resolved. Async will run function provided in it's render passing a resolved value as first parameter.
- catch(optional) runs when promise is rejected. Async will run function provided in it's render passing an error as first parameter.
- pendingRender(optional) is a node which will be outputted from Async render method while promise is pending. If none is provided, defaults to