This API contains a collection of free, open source cocktail data. This project was created for entry level developers who need access to free API's. The API is built using Django Rest framework.
We're constantly evolving CocktailDB to better serve our developer community. Here's a sneak peek at some of the awesome features we're currently working on:
- Protect your usage: Sophisticated rate limiting to ensure fair use and protect against abuse.
- Custom limits: Personalized limits based on usage tiers.
- Speed up your requests: Caching frequently requested data to drastically reduce response times.
- Seamless experience: Enjoy faster and more efficient data retrieval.
- Keep it personal: Implementing token-based authentication for secure and personalized API access.
- Your data, your rules: Control who can access your API data.
- Powerful search: Introducing multi-ingredient filtering and complex queries.
- Find exactly what you need: More flexibility and precision in search results.
- Stay trendy: New endpoints to showcase the most popular cocktails.
- What's new? Easily discover the latest additions to the cocktail database.
- Visual delight: Adding ingredient images in various resolutions (small, medium, large) to enhance API data.
- More than just text: Elevate your application with stunning visual elements.
โจ Stay tuned for these features and more as we continue to make CocktailDB the best API for developers!
The API reference is also accessible from the API link . This is made possible by the implementation of a preetry cool platform called Swagger.
Swagger is an Open Source set of rules, specifications and tools for developing and describing RESTful APIs. The Swagger framework allows developers to create interactive, machine and human-readable API documentation.
The project is currently deployed on Vercel and uses PostgreSQL.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd CocktailDB
Create you virtual environment & activate it.
py -m venv myenv
Install from requirements.txt file
pip freeze -r requirements.txt
Run migrations & start server
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
For the data to populate the DB check my other repository built specicically for this project. It scrapes the internet for cocktail data and arranges the data into
an excel sheet which later can be imported into the DB using one command.For more info on this, checkout the Cocktail Scrapper.
Although to save on time I took the initiative to place the already populated excel sheet inside the data folder. Quickly run๐๐พ
python import_cocktails
Server: Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Swagger API Doc
- @carlagesa๐จ๐พโ๐ป
For project opportunities kindly check github profile for social links๐