VSCode alternative that is blazing fast
git clone git@github.com:casonadams/nvim-code.git ~/.config/nvim-code
- Backs up current ~/.config/nvim dir
- Creates sym link to cloned repo and nvim
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export NVIM_CONFIG="${NVIM_CONFIG:-${HOME}/.config/nvim-code}"
mv ${HOME}/.config/nvim ${HOME}/.config/nvim.bak
ln -sf ${NVIM_CONFIG} ${HOME}/.config/nvim
exec nvim -u "${NVIM_CONFIG}/init.lua" "$@"
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/nvim-code
Open nvim
and install and update plugins with :PackerSync
Close and reopen
to install treesitter
alacritty-shell setups up addional
colors in the terminal. Index 18 is used for the statusline background, and
Index 16 is used for orange in some color schemes for walh
. This can get setup
using alacritty,
256 colorscheme
can be copy pasted.
# Base16 Gruvbox dark, medium 256 - alacritty color config
# Dawid Kurek (dawikur@gmail.com), morhetz (https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox)
# Default colors
background: "0x282828"
foreground: "0xd5c4a1"
# Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true
text: "0x282828"
cursor: "0xd5c4a1"
# Normal colors
black: "0x282828"
red: "0xfb4934"
green: "0xb8bb26"
yellow: "0xfabd2f"
blue: "0x83a598"
magenta: "0xd3869b"
cyan: "0x8ec07c"
white: "0xd5c4a1"
# Bright colors
black: "0x665c54"
red: "0xfb4934"
green: "0xb8bb26"
yellow: "0xfabd2f"
blue: "0x83a598"
magenta: "0xd3869b"
cyan: "0x8ec07c"
white: "0xfbf1c7"
- { index: 16, color: "0xfe8019" }
- { index: 17, color: "0xd65d0e" }
- { index: 18, color: "0x3c3836" }
- { index: 19, color: "0x504945" }
- { index: 20, color: "0xbdae93" }
- { index: 21, color: "0xebdbb2" }
Note this setup is configured for lazy loading of plugins. Meaning plugins won't be used unless the filetype matches with settings in the
dir. It has its cons opening amarkdown
file and then:e rustfile
won't enable lsp for rust file. To get around this put all null-ls config inafter/ftplugin/
config intolua/_null-ls.lua
and require that ininit.lua
Have a look at lua/_null-ls.lua for some examples (when using null-ls you will need to download the required applications for it to work)
installs serveru
updates server?
toggles commands
Key Combo | Description |
Normal mode Space |
Displays all key mappings |
Normal mode H |
Previous Buffer |
Normal mode L |
Next Buffer |
Normal mode Ctrl + h |
Window left |
Normal mode Ctrl + j |
Window down |
Normal mode Ctrl + k |
Window up |
Normal mode Ctrl + l |
Window right |
Normal mode tab |
Tab next |
Normal mode Shift tab |
Tab previous |
Normal mode gd |
Go to def |
Normal mode gl |
Show line diagnostics |
Normal mode K |
Show doc hover |
Normal mode Space lf |
Format command |
Normal mode Space lr |
Rename command |
Normal mode Space x |
Keep layout remove buffer |
Normal mode Space t % |
Open terminal vsplit |
Normal mode Space t " |
Open terminal split |
Normal mode Space z |
Toggle zoom |