Spring Boot Kafka Consumer Example
TinkerPop 3 implementation on Elasticsearch backend
LEGACY PROJECT not maintained anymore
Simple example using Camunda and Spring Boot to define a simple microservice communcating via AMQP, fully unit tested and deployable in the cloud
Elasticsearch Client Java Sample project
Hands on exercises with real-life examples to study and practice Go concurrency patterns. Test-cases are provided to verify your answers.
gsmiller / lucene
Forked from apache/luceneApache Lucene open-source search software
chaudharisuresh997 / compose-etl
Forked from uc-cdis/compose-etldocker-compose for ETL
TUTORIAL: Reading a csv file and sending its content to Elasticsearch from spark with python
All source code(maybe) that used in <Java Concurrency in Practice>, including a python program that I wrote to download these files
Provides a capability to tail log files in a web browser, implemented using websockets.
Decentralized video call app using webRTC
A pomodoro (alarm) clock that allows adjustable work and break intervals
simple command line pomodoro app with visualization of statistics
chaudharisuresh997 / pomodoro-c3
Forked from el3um4s/pomodoro-c3A pomodoro clock living in Windows taskbar. It shows notification when a pomodoro finishes.
A simple spark standalone cluster for your testing environment purposses
Build a Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm via Ansible.
Deploying a Go app on Kubernetes (Hands-on example with Minikube)
Docker image of Apache Spark with its Python interface, pyspark.
Docker Compose for Elasticsearch and Kibana
WOOT CRDT Collaborative Text Editor Implemented in Go