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Chicago Ethereum Meetup QF / CLR Pilot


Quadratic Funding (QF) is a conceptual approach for funding public goods without relying on (or ceding control to) a central party to make allocation decisions. Put simply, individuals make contributions to the projects they care about, and those contributions are matched by shared funds such that smaller contributions are matched proportionally higher than large contributions. Projects that receive many small contributions, for example, will therefore end up with a greater total amount received than projects that receive a few several large contributions.

Constrained Liberal Radicalism (CLR) is a practical approach to QF that sets an explicit budget for the matching funds.

This project implements a CLR system to fund public goods for the Chicago Ethereum community and meetup group.

Instructions for participating

Date range

Tue Feb 11 2020 6pm CST - Tue Feb 25 2020 11:59pm CST

Eligible projects

Project nickname

Project descriptions


A Chicago Ethereum version of PoolTogether.


A Chicago Ethereum version of the Humanity DAO registry of verified humans. This registry could be used for a number of things, such as an anti-Sybil whitelist for future Chicago Ethereum funding rounds, governance decisions, or even just games!


Funds for food and drinks at Chicago Ethereum meetups. Could help attract more people to Ethereum!


A Chicago Ethereum version of Unisocks, a fun experiment selling physical socks via a token on Uniswap. Exact item of clothing TBD — could be a shirt, socks, a beanie, etc.


Funds to seed the reserve currency in a bonding curve that mints (and buys back) Chicago Ethereum tokens. These tokens could be used for a number of things within the Chicago Ethereum ecosystem, such as governance voting, swag purchases, and lots of things we've yet to dream up.


A protocol for tokenizing small favors (e.g. buying somebody a coffee), creating a "favor economy".


A dapp that makes it easy for people to pay for coffee (or tea!) for somebody else in line behind them, and perhaps to be recognized for their generosity.


A dapp that facilitates group budget allocation and manages spending permissions.

Steps to contribute

  1. Getting initial funds for voting

    Send one of the Chicago Ethereum Meetup organizers your Ethereum addresses (not private keys!) on Telegram, Twitter, Discord, Keybase, etc. in order to receive tokens.

  2. Optional: Using additional funds

    It's DAI, so in theory if you feel strongly you can contribute as much as you like.

  3. Approve the contract to spend DAI on your behalf

    Etherscan link for DAI's ERC20 token page where you can write to the contract

    Alternatively, here is a oneclickdapp for the DAI contract:

    This is the contract address you need to approve: 0xaD4a34A7854138d6A8A0254F793AC3510090e9e5

    DAI amount Example values to enter when picking DAI amount for smart contracts
    10 DAI 10000000000000000000
    3 DAI 3000000000000000000
    1 DAI 1000000000000000000

    Note: If you want to manually check the numbers here, you can use to write 10^19 or 10**19 and have the number appear not in scientific notation (like it does in Google). Because DAI has 18 decimal places, 10^19 would be the equivalent of 10 DAI.

  4. Optional but a good practice: Take a look at the contracts to confirm that they do what we say they do. Etherscan link for our contract

  5. Contribute to a project

    Use the contribute function in the write tab (after approving our contract to spend DAI!). You'll need to type in the name of the project you're contributing to (see project nicknames above) as well as the amount you want to contribute.

    DAI amount Example values to enter when picking DAI amount for smart contracts
    10 DAI 10000000000000000000
    3 DAI 3000000000000000000
    1 DAI 1000000000000000000

    Okay, that's all the info you need. Here is the link for the dapp!


Smart contracts

See contract-project dir for the smart contracts

QF / CLR calculations and visualization

See matching dir for the QF / CLR calculation code

Project multisig wallet addresses

Project nickname Multisig address
noloss_lotto 0x5c5D70a1AF09F1246fA20E4E118e842c1c6893E7
humanity_dao 0x0ce9229c0efde424ece564c3cc4edd96fade2b07
pizza 0x059686e72f1e970da96e335f02e49da3933fa0f6
unisocks 0x76224d2799A12021829fdB6164a04D0c5475aB77
bonding_curve 0x675c86f06c923ce025ed90d57324915a0f8e7f5a
coffee_coin 0x5268b5f777C3e058650926861041Bb3BeD219252
coffee_forward 0xf17009e4d3660896A0Ca57Ea45E94937759846c9
budgeting_dao 0x85284271b7538681bcce162272bf1227f1015811

Instructions to set up your own fork of this project

  • Remember to call setToken
  • Remember to add projects beforehand
  • Look at the scripts in contract-project/package.json to see how to build, test, and deploy the contracts