nexlog is a high-performance, flexible, and feature-rich logging library for Zig applications. Designed with both power and ease-of-use in mind, nexlog offers asynchronous logging, file rotation, structured logging, and much more — making it a perfect fit for projects of any size.
- Features
- Installation
- Quick Start
- Advanced Configuration
- Custom Handlers
- JSON Logging
- Documentation
- Contributing
- License
- Multiple Log Levels: Supports debug, info, warning, and error levels.
- Asynchronous Logging: High-performance async mode minimizes the impact on application performance.
- File Rotation: Automatically rotates log files based on configurable file sizes and backup counts.
- Customizable Handlers: Comes with built-in handlers for console, file, and JSON outputs; also supports custom handlers.
- Rich Metadata: Automatically includes timestamps, thread IDs, file names, and function names.
- Structured Logging: Provides JSON output for machine-readable logs.
- Color Support: Terminal color coding for different log levels enhances readability.
- Configurable Buffer Size: Adjustable buffer size for optimal performance.
- Context-Based Logging: Supports department- or component-specific logging contexts.
Add nexlog as a dependency in your build.zig.zon
zig fetch --save git+
In your build.zig.zon
.name = "my-project",
.version = "0.1.0",
.dependencies = .{
.nexlog = .{
// 🚧 Nexlog: Actively Developing
// Expect rapid feature growth and frequent changes.
// To fetch the develop branch, append `#develop` to the URL.
.url = "git+",
.hash = "...",
Tip: To fetch a specific release of nexlog, use:
zig fetch --save
with your desired release version.
Below is a basic example to help you get started:
const std = @import("std");
const nexlog = @import("nexlog");
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
// Initialize logger with basic configuration
var builder = nexlog.LogBuilder.init();
try builder
.enableFileLogging(true, "logs/app.log")
defer nexlog.deinit();
// Get the default logger
const logger = nexlog.getDefaultLogger() orelse return error.LoggerNotInitialized;
// Log some messages"Application starting", .{}, null);
logger.debug("Debug information", .{}, null);
logger.warn("Warning message", .{}, null);
logger.err("Error occurred", .{}, null);
nexlog's builder pattern makes advanced configuration straightforward:
try builder
.enableFileLogging(true, "logs/app.log")
.setMaxFileSize(5 * 1024 * 1024) // 5MB
This configuration sets up a logger with:
- A minimum log level of debug.
- Color support enabled.
- Custom buffer size.
- File logging with rotation parameters.
- Asynchronous logging and metadata inclusion.
Need specialized logging? Create your own log handler. Here's a simple scaffold:
const CustomHandler = struct {
// Implement custom handling logic here.
For more details, see the Custom Handlers Documentation.
For structured, machine-readable logs, nexlog provides built-in JSON support:
var json_handler = try JsonHandler.init(allocator, .{
.min_level = .debug,
.pretty_print = true,
.output_file = "logs/app.json",
This configuration writes prettified JSON logs to logs/app.json
, starting at the debug level.
For more detailed information, check out the following resources:
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Commit your changes.
- Open a Pull Request.
For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Happy logging with nexlog!