GenHatcher is a Rails scaffold generator template that hooks into the Rails generators workflow. It includes everything needed to create a migration, model and even a scaffold, using customized templates from the Rails Framework.
To create your own generator simply copy this repository, rename gen_hatcher to whichever namespace you want and modify the desired templates to match your needs. This may go from adding extra comment lines, to generating new methods based on the generator information.
These files were extracted from the Rails Framework and modified as necessary to create a functional gem that would provide scaffold-like generators who’s templates could be customized.
Download the gen_hatcher code
git clone
Rename gen_hatcher files to the desired namespace
mv gen_hatcher.gemspec hatcher.gemspec mv lib/generators/gen_hatcher lib/generators/hatcher ...
Change GenHatcher module namespace inside files to the desired namespace
gedit lib/generators/hatcher/hatcher_helpers.rb module GenHatcher .... => module Hatcher
Modify the required templates
gedit lib/generators/gen_hatcher/scaffold/erb/scaffold/templates/*
Build your gem
rake install
This code is released under the MIT license.