signmod streamlines the process of signing custom kernel modules for secure boot enabled systems. The installation script generates a certificate/key pair, and enrolls the certificate in the MOK, and the private key is later used by signmod to sign the modules, enabling seamless module loading.
Install headers:
Ensure Linux headers are installed for the script to function properly:
sudo apt install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r)
Clone the repository:
git clone && cd signmod
Run the installer script:
During installation, if prompted to set a password, set one, as it will be required later during MOK enrollment:
chmod +x && sudo ./
Clean up and MOK enrollment:
Once the installation is complete you can safly remove the cloned repository:
cd .. && rm -rf signmod
Now reboot your PC. During the next boot, you will see a prompt from the MOK Manager. Follow these steps:
- Press any key to enter the MOK Menu within the timeout.
- Select Enroll MOK from the menu.
- Next, choose Continue and then Yes.
- When prompted for a password, enter the same password you set during the installation.
- Finally, select Reboot to complete the process.
To confirm that your signmod MOK certificate has been installed correctly
sudo mokutil --list-enrolled
Look for your certificate details (subject, issuer:
) in the output.
Once the certificate is enrolled in MOK, and the signmod is installed, you can use the signmod to sign your kernel modules:
sudo signmod your_module.ko
This script will sign the module using the corresponding private key generated during installation.
To remove signmod
and clean up all associated files and certificates, follow the steps below:
Clone the repository:
git clone && cd signmod
Run the uninstaller script:
During uninstallation, if prompted to set a password, set one, as it will be required later during MOK unenrollment:
chmod +x && sudo ./
Clean up and MOK unenrollment:
Once the uninstallation is complete you can safly remove the cloned repository.
cd .. && rm -rf signmod
Now reboot your PC. During the next boot, you will see a prompt from the MOK Manager. Follow these steps:
- Press any key to enter the MOK Menu within the timeout.
- Select Delete key from the menu.
- Next, choose Continue and then Yes.
- When prompted for a password, enter the same password you set during the installation.
- Finally, select Reboot to complete the process.
After rebooting, you can confirm the removal by running:
sudo mokutil --list-enrolled
Ensure that your
MOK certificate is no longer listed.
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module hello.ko: Invalid module format
Solution: Purge and reinstall the headers.
sudo apt purge -y linux-headers-$(uname -r) && sudo apt install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r)