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Matt Greer edited this page Apr 17, 2023 · 6 revisions

How does this conflict with other ways to update the MiSTer?

update_all is the main way to update a MiSTer. If you use update_all and AMMiSTer together, they will clash a bit. The main difference is AMMiSTer only works with arcade games. But update_all updates arcade games and consoles, computers, linux, etc together. So if you use update_all to get the latest console and computer updates, it will populate the arcade folder with all the games and mess up whatever plan AMMiSTer put for arcade games.

update_all's organization script also conflicts with AMMiSTer.

You can minimize this conflict be setting AMMisTer to speed exports

More on resolving this conflict to come as AMMiSTer development proceeds.

Why doesn't AMMiSTer support alternative arcade games?

It just hasn't been implemented yet. If you use the alternative arcade games, AMMiSTer won't work for you ... yet.

I can't drag folders into favorites

If your plan has a favorites directory, it's a bit special. It can only have games, not folders. You can drag games into it, or just favorite a game (click its star) to add games to it.

Why is it so hard to open AMMiSTer?

AMMiSTer is not signed, which is a way to help convince Windows and MacOS that AMMiSTer can be trusted and won't do anything bad to your computer. I promise it won't hurt your computer :) When AMMiSter is done and fully mature, I'll then work on getting it signed to avoid this problem.

Check the getting started guide for help here.

There is a new version, how do I know what was changed?

Check the release notes

How do I add more update db's?

You can't, yet. AMMiSTer will check from updates from the main MISTer update db, as well as Jotego, Theypsilon and Atrac17. Adding (and removing) update dbs is coming.

When exporting to a MiSTer, it copies files over that are already on my MiSTer

So far AMMiSTer can't tell if the files on your MiSTer are the same as the ones it has. Out of precaution, it will copy files in case they have been updated or changed. This will hopefully be improved in the future.

I'm having problems

If you found a bug, file an issue. Just need help or want to talk about the app? Head to discussions