Professor Corey J. A. Bradshaw
Global Ecology | Partuyarta Ngadluku Wardli Kuu, Flinders University
- Associate Professor Larissa Schneider, Australian National University
- Adjunct Professor Patrice de Caritat, Curtin University
- Professor Simon Haberle, Australian National University
- James Taylor, Australian National University
- Dr Olha Furman, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Commonwealth of Australia
- identify external and indirect determinants of mercury (Hg)
- understand environmental conditions that influence mercury retention and mobility
- predict continental distribution of soil mercury
: all required R code combined
- geochem.csv: geochemical data
- field.csv: sample point characteristics
- hgTSID.csv: re-analysed [Hg] estimates (ng/g)
- gs.csv: grain-size category percentages
Most of these files are too large to store in this repository directly, so in most cases the links refer to the original repository URLs where you can download the datasets.
- aus.shp: Australia boundary shapefile (zipped)
- NLUM_v7_250_ALUMV8_2020_21_alb.tif: land use of Australia 2010–11 to 2020–21 (download geotif raster from original site)
- wwf_terr_ecos.shp: WWF ecoregions shapefile (download zipped file from original site)
- vegetation carbon uptake (gross primary production) NetCDF (download from original site)
- leaf area index NetCDF (download from original site)
- GeologicUnitPolygons1M.shp: 1:1,000,000 geological unit polygon shapefile (download zipped file from original site)
- lithreclass.csv: reclassified lithology groups text file
- radmap_v4_2019_filtered_ML_KThU_RGB_24bit.tif: potassium:thorium:uranium geotif raster (download data package from original site)
- radmap_v4_2019_filtered_ML_ppmTh_32bitfloat_grid.tif: thorium ppm geotif raster (download data package from original site)
- radmap_v4_2019_filtered_ML_ppmU_32bitfloat_grid.tif: uranium ppm geotif raster (download data package from original site)
- radmap_v4_2019_filtered_ML_pctk_32bitfloat_grid.tif: % potassium geotif raster (download data package from original site)
- NTO_000_005_EV_N_P_AU_NAT_C_20231101.tif: soil nitrogen (0-5 cm) geotif raster (download from original site)
- PTO_000_005_EV_N_P_AU_NAT_C_20231101.tif: soil phosphorus (0-5 cm) geotif raster (download from original site)
- pHc_000_005_EV_N_P_AU_NAT_C_20140801.tif: soil pH (0-5 cm) geotif raster (download from original site)
- CLY_000_005_EV_N_P_AU_TRN_N_20210902.tif: % soil clay content geotif raster (download from original site)
- SLT_000_005_EV_N_P_AU_TRN_N_20210902.tif: % soil silt content geotif raster (download from original site)
- annual precipitation NetCDF (download from original site)
- PrescottIndex_01_3s_lzw.tif: Prescott index geotif raster (download from original site)
- soil water availability NetCDF (download from original site)
- This is the NetCDF file for the output map of Australia-wide Hg concentration (log10 values) predicted from the random forest model (resolution = 0.005° × 0.005° latitude/longitude ≈ 0.55 km × 0.55 km ≈ 0.306 km2). Due to Github file-size constraints, we have broken the file into similar-sized chunks, and then compressed them using the fast, lossless compression algorithm
. First, decompress each .zst chunk using the following command in Terminal (or equivalent):zstd -d 'HgPredSpatRFlog10.nc_chunk_a*.zst'
, and then combine chunks a to i using the following Terminal (or equivalent) command:cat HgPredSpatRFlog10.nc_chunk_* >
. You can import the NetCDF file in R using thencdf4
package and its function nc_open. This produces ancdf4
object that can be converted to aSpatRaster
object using the rast function in packageterra
. - This is the NetCDF file for the output map of Australia-wide Hg concentration (back-transformed to linear values) predicted from the random forest model (resolution = 0.005° × 0.005° latitude/longitude ≈ 0.55 km × 0.55 km ≈ 0.306 km2). Due to Github file-size constraints, we have broken the file into similar-sized chunks, and then compressed them using the fast, lossless compression algorithm
. First, decompress each .zst chunk using the following command in Terminal (or equivalent):zstd -d 'HgPredSpatRF.nc_chunk_a*.zst'
, and then combine chunks a to i using the following Terminal (or equivalent) command:cat HgPredSpatRF.nc_chunk_* >
. You can import the NetCDF file in R using thencdf4
package and its function nc_open. This produces ancdf4
object that can be converted to aSpatRaster
object using the rast function in packageterra