Integrate TensorFlow with CMake projects effortlessly.
TensorFlow is an amazing tool for machine learning and intelligence using computational graphs. TensorFlow includes APIs for both Python and C++, although the C++ API is slightly less documented. However, the most standard way to integrate C++ projects with TensorFlow is to build the project inside the TensorFlow repository, yielding a massive binary. Additionally, Bazel is the only certified way to build such projects. This document and the code in this repository will allow one to integrate TensorFlow with CMake projects without producing a large binary.
Note: The instructions here correspond to an Ubuntu Linux environment; although some commands may differ for other operating systems and distributions, the general ideas are identical.
Follow the instructions for installing Bazel. Install dependencies and clone TensorFlow from its git repository:
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool curl make g++ unzip # Protobuf Dependencies
sudo apt-get install python-numpy swig python-dev python-wheel # TensorFlow Dependencies
git clone # TensorFlow
Enter the cloned repository, and append the following to the tensorflow/BUILD
# Added build rule
name = "",
linkshared = 1,
linkopts = ["-Wl,--version-script=tensorflow/"], # Remove this line if you are using MacOS
deps = [
This specifies a new build rule, producing
, that includes all the required dependencies for integration
with a C++ project. Build the shared library and copy it to /usr/local/lib
as follows:
./configure # Note that this requires user input
bazel build
sudo cp bazel-bin/tensorflow/ /usr/local/lib
Copy the source to /usr/local/include/google
and remove unneeded items:
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/include/google/tensorflow
sudo cp -r tensorflow /usr/local/include/google/tensorflow/
sudo find /usr/local/include/google/tensorflow/tensorflow -type f ! -name "*.h" -delete
Copy all generated files from bazel-genfiles:
sudo cp bazel-genfiles/tensorflow/core/framework/*.h /usr/local/include/google/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/framework
sudo cp bazel-genfiles/tensorflow/core/kernels/*.h /usr/local/include/google/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/kernels
sudo cp bazel-genfiles/tensorflow/core/lib/core/*.h /usr/local/include/google/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/lib/core
sudo cp bazel-genfiles/tensorflow/core/protobuf/*.h /usr/local/include/google/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/protobuf
sudo cp bazel-genfiles/tensorflow/core/util/*.h /usr/local/include/google/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/util
sudo cp bazel-genfiles/tensorflow/cc/ops/*.h /usr/local/include/google/tensorflow/tensorflow/cc/ops
Copy the third party directory:
sudo cp -r third_party /usr/local/include/google/tensorflow/
sudo rm -r /usr/local/include/google/tensorflow/third_party/py
# Note: newer versions of TensorFlow do not have the following directory
sudo rm -r /usr/local/include/google/tensorflow/third_party/avro
The TensorFlow runtime library requires both Protobuf and Eigen. However, specific versions are required, and these may clash with currently installed versions of either software. Therefore, two options are provided:
- Install the packages to a directory on your computer, which will overwrite / clash with any previous versions installed in that directory (but allow multiple projects to reference them).
The default directory is
, but any may be specified to avoid clashing. This is the recommended option. - Add the packages as external dependencies, allowing CMake to download and build them inside the project directory, not affecting any current versions. This will never result in clashing, but the build process of your project may be lengthened.
Choose the option that best fits your needs; you may mix these options as well, installing one to /usr/local
, while keeping the other confined in the current project. In the following
instructions, be sure to replace <EXECUTABLE_NAME>
with the name of your executable. Additionally, all generated CMake files should generally be placed in your CMake modules directory,
which is commonly <PROJECT_ROOT>/cmake/Modules
Execute the
script as follows: sudo install <tensorflow-root> [<install-dir> <download-dir>]
. The install
command specifies that Eigen is to be installed to
a directory. The <tensorflow-root>
argument should be the root of the TensorFlow repository. The optional <install-dir>
argument allows you to specify the installation directory;
this defaults to /usr/local
but may be changed to avoid other versions. The <download-dir
argument specifies the directory where Eigen will be download and extracted; this defaults
to the current directory.
To generate the needed CMake files for your project, execute the script as follows: generate installed <tensorflow-root> [<cmake-dir> <install-dir>]
. The generate
command specifies that the
required CMake files are to be generated and placed in <cmake-dir>
(this defaults to the current directory, but generally should your CMake modules directory). The optional <install-dir>
argument specifies the directory Protobuf is installed to. This defaults to /usr/local
and should directly correspond to the install directory specified when installing above. Two files
will be copied to the specified directory: FindEigen.cmake
and Eigen_VERSION.cmake
. Add the following to your CMakeLists.txt
# Eigen
find_package(Eigen REQUIRED)
Execute the
script as follows: generate external <tensorflow-root> [<cmake-dir>]
. The external
command specifies that Eigen is not
installed, but rather should be treated as an external CMake dependency. The <tensorflow-root>
argument again should be the root directory of the TensorFlow repository,
and the optional <cmake-dir>
argument is the location to copy the required CMake modules to (defaults to the current directory). Two files will be copied
to the specified directory: Eigen.cmake
and Eigen_VERSION.cmake
. Add the following to your CMakeLists.txt
# Eigen
add_dependencies(<EXECUTABLE_NAME> Eigen)
Execute the
script as follows: sudo install <tensorflow-root> [<install-dir> <download-dir>]
. The arguments are identical to those described in the Eigen
section above.
Generate the required files as follows: generate installed <tensorflow-root> [<cmake-dir> <install-dir>]
; the arguments are also identical to those above.
Two files will be copied to the specified directory: FindProtobuf.cmake
and Protobuf_VERSION.cmake
. CMake provides us with a FindProtobuf.cmake
module, but we will use our own, since we must specify the directory Protobuf was installed to. Add the following to your CMakeLists.txt
# Protobuf
find_package(Protobuf REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(<EXECUTABLE_NAME> ${Protobuf_LIBRARIES})
Execute the
script as follows: generate external <tensorflow-root> [<cmake-dir>]
. The arguments are also identical to those described in the Eigen
section above. Two files will be copied to the specified directory: Protobuf.cmake
and Protobuf_VERSION.cmake
. Add the following to your CMakeLists.txt
# Protobuf
add_dependencies(<EXECUTABLE_NAME> Protobuf)
Copy the FindTensorflow.cmake
file in this repository to your CMake modules directory.
Next, edit your CMakeLists.txt
to append your custom modules directory to the list of CMake modules (this is a common step in most CMake programs):
# Replace <CMAKE_MODULE_DIR> with your path
# The most common path is ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules
If either Protobuf or Eigen was added as an external dependency, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt
# set variables for external dependencies
CACHE PATH "Location where external dependencies will installed")
CACHE PATH "Location where external projects will be downloaded")
The projects in the examples/
directory demonstrate the correct usage of these instructions.
If Bazel fails to build the TensorFlow library, stating error: Could not find compiler "gcc" in PATH
, you may have to execute the following:
bazel clean # Clean project
export CC="/usr/bin/gcc" # Set location of C compiler
export CXX="/usr/bin/g++" # Set location of C++ compiler
bazel build # Rebuild project