A Python Flask web app to use as an UI for pgbarman. This is a really small and simple project using the python Flask framework.
- create a virtualenv
virtualenv barman-web-app
cd barman-web-app
source bin/activate
- clone this projet
git clone https://github.com/clmntpllr/barman-web-app.git
- then install requirements
cd barman-web-app
python -m pip install pip --upgrade
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- config the app by editing config.py to suits your needs
- to generate a new secret key :
import secrets;
- try the app by launching it as a test server
python barman-web-app.py
- or deploy with gunicorn
gunicorn "barman_app:create_app()"
# or
gunicorn -w 4 -b "barman_app:create_app()"
- or use a uwsgi server with nginx
uwsgi -s /tmp/barman-web-app.sock --virtualenv /yourvenvdir --manage-script-name --mount /barman_app=wsgi:app