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Clumio Bulk Restore Automation


Copyright 2024, Clumio, a Commvault Company. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

What is a Bulk Restore

Bulk restores are used to restore multiple resources from different originating locations (AWS account and region pairing) and/or times to one or more target locations.

How to use a Bulk Restore

Based upon the source definition, Clumio will find the set of appropriate backups for identified resources and restore those resources using the user provided target information.

What information do I need to initiate a bulk restore

The inputs - in json format - required to run the bulk restore automation can be defined ahead of time or easily crafted/updated when the restore is needed. Inputs are in two different categories: source information and target information.

Source information can include AWS account, AWS Region, AWS resources tags, and a datetime search window.

Target information is the resource specific AWS infrastructure elements running in the target location that are required to deploy that specific type of AWS resource. The only additional value you will need is a Clumio API token that validates your permissions to run the automation based upon your Clumio login.

What does the Clumio bulk restore use for this solution

To greatly simplify the process of running the recovery, the bulk restore automation leverages a serverless architecture (AWS Lambda functions) and a state machine (AWS StepFunctions). This scales out the recovery process to initiate all restores at the same time.

Limits on the number of concurrent restores and the performance of those restores are dependent upon the resource types being restored.

This solution can be deployed anywhere in AWS and does not need to have access to either the original AWS source location or the target locations. Outside of the AWS resources mentioned above, logging in AWS CloudWatch, a S3 bucket used temporarily to deploy the solution; the only other AWS resource needed is an AWS Secret which can optionally be used to store your Clumio API token.

Files in this source repository


The files included in this github repository for information purposes only. This python code represents the contents of the lambda functions used by the state machine. This code along with non-default python packages are bundled in the ZIP file that is required to run the CFT.


JSON file example_step_function_inputs.json is an example of the inputs required to run the step function. These inputs would be modified to reflect your environment.


An IAM role that has permissions to execute the step function and the lambda functions (and to write to CloudWatch for logging purposes) must be identified/created before you deploy the CFT template. If required, you can modify the permission of this IAM role after all of the resources have been created to scope those permissions to achieve least privilege. If you use the AWS secret to store your Clumio api token, this IAM Role will also need to have read access to the secret.

The example of both the role trusted relationships and the policy can be found in examples folder.


The clumio_bulk_restore_deploy_cft.yaml file is the CloudFormation (CFT) deployment template. Deploy this CFT template to setup the solution.


To build you will need a Unix type shell (bash, zsh, ...), Python 3.12, make and zip.

make build

It will fetch the dependencies and generate the zip file under the build directory alongside the clumio_bulk_restore_deploy_cft.yaml CloudFormation template.

The zip file must be uploaded to a S3 bucket where it can be accessed by the CloudFormation Template when you deploy the solution.

Running the Automation


  • Clumio backups must exist (and not be expired) for all resources that are to be restored.
  • Identify a S3 bucket where zip file can be copied.
  • Identify an IAM Role that has the ability to run both the lambda functions and the state machine.
  • Copy ZIP file from the git repository to the S3 bucket.
  • Run the CFT YAML file. You will need to enter the S3 bucket and IAM role as parameters to run the CFT YAML file.
  • Create an input JSON file for the state machine based upon the example JSON and the descriptions below.
  • Execute the State machine and pass it your input JSON.
  • If the input file has multiple restore sets, the restore automation will start multiple discovery threads. One for each restore set.
  • Each Discovery thread will discovery a set of backups to be restored and will start separate restore threads for each backup.
  • Each restore thread will log a job status when the restore completes/fails. This status will include information about the source of the restore.
  • The final step/state of the step function will show a combined status for every restore.

Alt text



Input Definitions

Base Input Parameter Description
bear Clumio API bearer token
debug Set to a non-zero value to debug issues
Source/Search Input Parameter Description
source_account AWS account from which the ebs resources where backed up
source_region AWS region from which the ebs resources where backed up
search_direction When Choosing backups based upon a point in time look for backups "before" or "after" this point in time
"before" Set a search window from the point in time to the current time
"after" Set a search window from the point in time to the max search time
end_search_day_offset If searching "before" a point in time this represents the offset from the current day to the point in time
start_search_day_offset If searching "before" a point in time this is not used
start_search_day_offset If searching "after" a point in time this represents the offset from the current day to the point in time
end_search_day_offset If searching "after" a point in time this represents the offset from the current day to the max search time
search_tag_key If searching by AWS tag set search key and value
search_tag_value If searching by AWS tag set search key and value
Target Input Parameter EBS Description
target_account AWS account where the ebs resource is to be restored
target_region AWS region where the ebs resource is to be restored
target_aws_az required, infrastructure value for restore AWS AZ
target_iops optional, infrastructure value for EBS iops setting. Should only be use if target_volume_type is one of gp3, io1, or io2.
target_volume_type optional, infrastructure value for EBS volume type setting. Required if target_iops is set.
target_kms_key_native_id optional, infrastructure value for restore AWS KMS key id
Target Input Parameter RDS Description
target_account AWS account where the ebs resource is to be restored
target_region AWS region where the ebs resource is to be restored
target_subnet_group_name required, infrastructure value for RDS Subnet group name
target_rds_name required, infrastructure value for RDS instance/cluster name
target_security_group_native_id optional, infrastructure value for RDS Security Group List
target_kms_key_native_id optional, infrastructure value for RDS AWS KMS key id
Target Input Parameter EC2 Description
target_account AWS account where the ebs resource is to be restored
target_region AWS region where the ebs resource is to be restored
target_aws_az required, infrastructure value for restore AWS AZ
target_vpc_native_id required, infrastructure value for EC2 VPC id
target_subnet_native_id required, infrastructure value for EC2 Subnet id
target_kms_key_native_id optional, infrastructure value for EC2 AWS KMS key id
target_iam_instance_profile_name optional, infrastructure value for EC2 IAM instance profile name
target_key_pair_name optional, infrastructure value for EC2 Key pair name
target_security_group_native_id optional, infrastructure value for EC2 Security Group List
Target Input Parameter DynamoDB Description
target_account AWS account where the ebs resource is to be restored
target_region AWS region where the ebs resource is to be restored
change_set_name required, infrastructure value for DynamoDB table name component
Target Input Parameter ProtectionGroup Description
search_pg_name Required. The name of protection group that the restore is going to be done from.
target_bucket Required. The name of the bucket that the resource will be restored to.
search_bucket_names Optional. The list of bucket names within the protection group to be restored.
search_object_filters Optional. A specification dict to filter the objects to restore.
target_prefix Optional. The prefix to add to the restored object.


Optional infrastructure target values may still be required based upon the configuration of the original backed up resource.