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Codacy tool for PHP Codesniffer


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Codacy PHP_CodeSniffer

This is the docker engine we use at Codacy to have PHP_CodeSniffer support. You can also create a docker to integrate the tool and language of your choice! See the codacy-engine-scala-seed repository for more information.

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You can create the docker by doing:

docker build -t codacy-codesniffer .

The docker is ran with the following command:

docker run -it -v $srcDir:/src <DOCKER_NAME>:<DOCKER_VERSION>


We use the codacy-plugins-test to test our external tools integration. You can follow the instructions there to make sure your tool is working as expected.

Generating the documentation

Requires phpdoc

sudo mv phpDocumentor.phar /usr/local/bin/phpdoc
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/phpdoc

Update the versions in composer.json and run

sbt "doc-generator/runMain codacy.codesniffer.docsgen.GeneratorMain"

This will create updated patterns.json, description.json and the individual documentation Markdown files.

CodeSniffer configuration file

PHP CodeSniffer can be configured by adding a phpcs.xml file to the source code.

Currently, the tool supports this configuration file except from one feature - setting installed_paths: <config name="installed_paths" />

Add new Codesniffer plugin

To add a new plugin to Codesniffer:

  1. Add the plugin dependency to require inside composer.json. This depedency must be available on Packagist

  2. Add to src/main/scala/codacy/codesniffer/docsgen/VersionsHelper.scala the plugin version:

    lazy val newPlugin = properties("pluginNamespace/pluginName").str.replace("^","")
  3. Implement the plugin documentation parser inside src/main/scala/codacy/codesniffer/docsgen/parsers. The parser must extend DocsParser and override the following:

    Name Description
    override val repositoryURL Plugin's git repository
    override val checkoutCommit Commit related to the version on plugin's git repository (you can use the version tag for that)
    override val sniffRegex Regex to get all Sniffs implementation files
    override def patternIdPartsFor(relativizedFilePath: String): PatternIdParts Get the pattern id parts from pattern path
    override def descriptionWithDocs(rootDir: File, patternIdParts: PatternIdParts, patternFile: File): (Pattern.Description, Option[String]) Get tuple with small and extended description for pattern


    class DrupalCoderDocsParser extends DocsParser {
        override val repositoryURL = ""
        override val checkoutCommit: String = VersionsHelper.drupalCoder
        override val sniffRegex: Regex = """.*coder_sniffer\/(Drupal)\/Sniffs\/(.*?)\/(.*?)Sniff.php""".r
        override def patternIdPartsFor(relativizedFilePath: String): PatternIdParts = {
            val sniffRegex(drupalCoderVersion, sniffType, patternName) = relativizedFilePath
            PatternIdParts(drupalCoderVersion, sniffType, patternName)
        override def descriptionWithDocs(rootDir: File,
                                        patternIdParts: PatternIdParts,
                                        patternFile: File): (Pattern.Description, Option[String]) = {
            (description(patternIdParts, rootDir), this.parseExtendedDescription("Drupal\\Sniffs", patternIdParts, rootDir))
        private[this] def description(patternIdParts: PatternIdParts, rootDir: File): Pattern.Description = {
            val caseRegexPattern = """((?<=\p{Ll})\p{Lu}|\p{Lu}(?=\p{Ll}))""".r
            val patternName = caseRegexPattern.replaceAllIn(patternIdParts.patternName, " $1").trim
            val sniffName = caseRegexPattern.replaceAllIn(patternIdParts.sniffType, " $1").trim
            val title = Pattern.Title(s"$sniffName: $patternName")
            val extended = this.parseDescription("Drupal\\Sniffs", patternIdParts, rootDir)
            Pattern.Description(patternIdParts.patternId, title, extended, None, None)
  4. Add the new parser to the list of parsers inside src/main/scala/codacy/codesniffer/docsgen/Generator.scala.

    private[this] val parsers: List[DocsParser] = List(new PHPCSDocsParser(), ...)
  5. Generate the documentation

What is Codacy?

Codacy is an Automated Code Review Tool that monitors your technical debt, helps you improve your code quality, teaches best practices to your developers, and helps you save time in Code Reviews.

Among Codacy’s features

  • Identify new Static Analysis issues
  • Commit and Pull Request Analysis with GitHub, BitBucket/Stash, GitLab (and also direct git repositories)
  • Auto-comments on Commits and Pull Requests
  • Integrations with Slack, HipChat, Jira, YouTrack
  • Track issues in Code Style, Security, Error Proneness, Performance, Unused Code and other categories

Codacy also helps keep track of Code Coverage, Code Duplication, and Code Complexity.

Codacy supports PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, and Scala, among others.

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Codacy is free for Open Source projects.