kCSV is a port of the great FastCSV CSV library for Kotlin Multiplatform supporting all KMP targets: Java, iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, Linux, Windows, Node.js and JS Browser (Android should work with Android 8.0 (API level 26), but we haven't tested it).
It has all the features FastCSV has e.g.:
- RFC 4180 compliant CSV library
- Ultra fast
- Small footprint
- Support for line endings CRLF (Windows), CR (old macOS) and LF (Unix)
- Configurable field separator, quote escaping and comment characters
For all features see https://github.com/osiegmar/FastCSV#features
In addition to FastCSV, it also has these features:
- Better API for Kotlin
- Runs on all Kotlin Multiplatform targets
- Smaller memory footprint
- Reuse row instances. Saves a lot of memory for large CSV files (see option
) - Ignoring columns. Avoids copying column values you don't need from the InputStream, thus saving additional memory (see option
) - Ignore invalid quote chars (see option
) - Convenience methods to read field values like
dependencies {
implementation "net.codinux.csv:kcsv:2.2.0"
Maven does not support automatic platform resolution as Gradle does, therefore the specific platform must be specified here:
CsvReader().read("foo,1.0\nbar,2.0").forEach { row ->
println("${row[0]}: ${row.getDouble(1)}")
CsvReader(hasHeaderRow = true)
.forEach { row -> println("${row["Name"]}${row.getInt("Age")}") }
CsvReader has these settings, all are stated with their default value:
fieldSeparator = ',',
hasHeaderRow = false,
quoteCharacter = '\"',
commentCharacter = '#',
commentStrategy = CommentStrategy.NONE,
skipEmptyRows = true,
reuseRowInstance = false,
ignoreColumns = emptySet(),
errorOnDifferentFieldCount = false,
ignoreInvalidQuoteChars = false
.forEach { row -> println(row) }
CsvReader(hasHeaderRow = true)
.forEach { row ->
// of course works also with column indices instead of header names
println("Int: ${row.getInt("Int")}")
println("Double: ${row.getDouble("Double")}")
println("Boolean: ${row.getBoolean("Boolean")}")
// all methods also have a 'OrNull()' variant for values that might not be set
println("Nullable Long: ${row.getLongOrNull("NullableLong")}")
Reading from File, InputStream, ... is only available on JVM (use e.g. kotlinx-io for other platforms to read CSV file to a string):
val file = Path("<path_to_csv_file>")
.read(file, Charsets.UTF_8) // UTF_8 is the default charset
.forEach { row -> println(row.fields.joinToString()) }
For more example see CsvReaderExample.kt
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
.writeRow("header1", "header2")
.writeRow("value1", "value2")
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
val writer = CsvWriter.builder(
fieldSeparator = ';',
quoteCharacter = '\'',
quoteStrategy = QuoteStrategy.REQUIRED,
lineDelimiter = LineDelimiter.CRLF,
commentCharacter = '#'
.writeRow("header1", "header2")
.writeRow("value;", "value2") // ';' gets quoted with '\''
Writing to File, OutputStream, ... is currently only available on JVM (use e.g. kotlinx-io for other platforms):
val file = Path("<path_to_csv_file>")
.writer(file, Charsets.UTF_8, StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW) // UTF_8 is the default charset
.writeRow("header1", "header2")
.writeRow("value1", "value2")
For more example see CsvWriterExample.kt