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Social Connectedness Project using Beiwe


This repository contains code used to analyze, aggregate, and visualize data collected from surveys and passive GPS data using the Beiwe app.

This code is specifically built for the Social Connectedness in ALS project taking place at MGH-IHP, but is intended to be useful for many projects collecting data with Beiwe.


Below is a detailed guide to running the scripts provided by this codebase. To jump directly to the analysis scripts, go to Running Code

Install Python

Install Python:


This project requires a Python version <= 3.11, as the data processing API provided by the Beiwe developers, forest, is restricted to this version.

Set up a virtual environment

Create a virtual environment. For detailed instructions, see here.

In brief, in your working directory, run:

python -m venv .venv

to create a folder name ".venv" in the current directory.

Then, activate it by running the command below that corresponds to your shell (copied from python docs linked above):

Shell Command
bash/zsh $ source /bin/activate
fish $ source /bin/
csh/tchs $ source /bin/activate.csh
pwsh $ /bin/Activate.ps1
cmd.exe C:> \Scripts\activate.bat
PowerShell PS C:> \Scripts\Activate.ps1


Take note of the python version running in your virtual environment. Make sure it is 3.11. If multiple python versions exist on the machine, it is easy to accidentally invoke the wrong one.


You can install directly from GitHub or from a local version of this code by first cloning this repository. With the virtual environment active, run your preferred version:

After cloning:

python -m pip install path/to/SocialConnectedness

From GitHub

python -m pip install git+

Running Code

All analysis scripts are invoked via the command line.

The main analysis scripts are almost all split into "processing" and "aggregating" categories. Processing scripts take raw data and synthesize it into a meaningful form for human analysis. Aggregating scripts take processed data and combine it into an easily readable format.

In addition to these, there are several "quality checking" scripts that are used for directly downloading data for a subject or given subject or set of subjects from the Beiwe servers during the study's data collection period and assessing its volume and quality.

Two files are provided (run_analysis.ps1 for Windows and run_analysis for Mac) for ease of use.
Copy the file for your operating system from this repository to your current working directory. Edit the paths and variables at the top of the file to your satisfication then uncomment the line(s) with the function(s) you wish to run.

Run analysis by envoking the file:

Windows PowerShell:


Bash (Mac):

bash run_analysis

Brief docs

Below is a description of the tools associated with each type of data for this project. Refer to the run_analysis files to see specific examples.



  • -d, --data_dir
    Path to root directory where data is stored
  • -o, --out_dir
    Path to directory into which data will be saved
  • -k, --key_path
    Path to Excel file containing survey scoring rules
  • --subject_ids (optional):
    List of subject IDs to process. If nothing is provided, all subjects in data_dir will be used
  • --survey_ids (optional):
    List of survey IDs to process. If nothing is provided, all surveys in data_dir will be used
  • --skip_dirs (optional):
    List of directory names to skip when looking for data. Only use the dir name, not the full path
  • --use_zips (optional):
    Flag to process CSVs in zip files within data_dir. Defaults to False
  • --only_redcap (optional):
    Flag to only process redcap data. Mutually exclusive with only_beiwe. Defaults to False
  • --only_beiwe (optional):
    Flag to only process beiwe data. Mutually exclusive with only_redcap. Defaults to False


  • -d, --data_dir
    Path to root directory where data is stored
  • -o, --out_dir
    Path to directory into which data will be saved
  • -k, --key_path
    Path to Excel file containing survey scoring rules
  • --out_name (optional):
    Name of output file. Defaults to "SURVEY_SUMMARY"



  • -d, --data_dir
    Path to root directory where data is stored
  • -o, --out_dir
    Path to directory into which data will be saved
  • --subject_ids (optional):
    Subjects whose data should be analyzed. If nothing is provided, all subjects in data_dir will be used
  • --out_name (optional):
    Name of the summary file. Defaults to "ACOUSTIC_SUMMARY"



  • -d, --data_dir
    Path to root directory where data is stored
  • -o, --out_dir
    Path to directory into which data will be saved
  • --subject_ids (optional):
    Subjects whose data should be analyzed. If nothing is provided, all subjects in data_dir will be used
  • --quality_thresh (optional):
    Data quality threshold. Defaults to 0.05


  • -d, --data_dir
    Path to root directory where data is stored
  • -o, --out_dir
    Path to directory into which data will be saved
  • --out_name (optional):
    Name of the summary file. Defaults to "GPS_SUMMARY"



  • -o, --out_dir
    Path to directory into which data will be saved
  • --acoustic_path (optional):
    Path to acoustic summary file. Defaults to ""
  • --gps_path (optional):
    Path to gps summary file. Defaults to ""
  • --survey_path (optional):
    Path to survey summary file. Defaults to ""
  • --out_name (optional):
    Name of output file. Defaults to "COMBINED_SUMMARY"

Quality Check


  • --username
    Beiwe username
  • --beiwe_pw
    Beiwe password
  • --access_key
    Public access key obtained from Beiwe server
  • --secret_key
    Secret access key obtained from Beiwe server
  • --out_path
    Path to directory into which key will be saved
  • --beiwe_code_path
    Path to this cloned repository
  • --file_pw,
    Password with which to encrypt the file


  • --keyring_path
    Path to keyring file generated by make_key
  • --keyring_pw
    Password for the keyring file
  • --study_id
    Beiwe study ID
  • --out_dir
    Path to directory into which data will be saved
  • --beiwe_ids
    Beiwe subject IDs' data to download
  • --beiwe_code_path
    Path to this cloned repository
  • --time_start
    Earliest date at which to download data. Formatted YYYY-MM-DD. If not supplied, earliest collected data will be used for all subjects
  • --time_end"
    Latest date at which to download data. Formatted YYYY-MM-DD. If not supplied, current date will be used for all subjects
  • --data_streams
    Data streams to download. Defaults to ["gps", "survey_timings", "survey_answers", "audio_recordings"]
  • --survey_key_path
    Path to Excel file containing survey scoring rules
  • --skip_gps_stats
    Flag to skip running GPS processing, as this can sometimes be time-intensive


  • --keyring_path
    Path to keyring file generated by make_key
  • --keyring_pw
    Password for the keyring file
  • --study_id
    Beiwe study ID
  • --out_dir
    Path to directory into which data will be saved
  • --beiwe_ids
    Beiwe subject IDs' data to download
  • --beiwe_code_path
    Path to this cloned repository
  • --time_start
    Earliest date at which to download data. Formatted YYYY-MM-DD. If not supplied, earliest collected data will be used for all subjects
  • --time_end"
    Latest date at which to download data. Formatted YYYY-MM-DD. If not supplied, current date will be used for all subjects
  • --data_streams
    Data streams to download. Defaults to ["gps", "survey_timings", "survey_answers", "audio_recordings"]


  • --data_dir
    Path to root directory where data is stored
  • --subject_id
    Beiwe ID of subject's data to check
  • --survey_key_path
    Path to Excel file containing survey scoring rules
  • --skip_gps_stats
    Flag to skip running GPS processing, as this can sometimes be time-intensive


Data processing command line scripts for Beiwe studies






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Contributors 3
