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Coralogix Operator

license GitHub tag (latest SemVer pre-release) Go Report Card e2e-tests


The Coralogix Operator provides Kubernetes-native deployment and management for Coralogix, designed to simplify and automate the configuration of Coralogix APIs through Kubernetes custom resources definitions and controllers.

The operator provides the following capabilities:

  • CRDs and controllers: Easily deploy and manage various Coralogix features using custom resources, which are automatically reconciled by the operator. For a complete list of available CRDs and their details, refer to the API documentation. For examples of custom resources, refer to the samples directory.
  • Prometheus Operator integration: The Operator leverages PrometheusRule CRD, to simplify the transition to Coralogix Alerts by utilizing existing monitoring configurations. For more details on this integration, refer to the Prometheus Integration documentation.
  • Running multiple instances: The operator supports running multiple instances within a single cluster by using namespace and label selectors. For more details, refer to the Running Multiple Instances documentation.
  • Dynamic admission control: To prevent invalid resources from causing failures in Coralogix, the operator uses admission webhooks to validate custom resources before they are applied to the cluster. For more Information, refer to - A note regarding webhooks and cert-manager.
  • Metrics collection: The operator provides metrics for monitoring custom resources and the operator itself. For more details, refer to the Metrics documentation.


  • Kubernetes cluster (v1.16+).
  • cert-manager installed - The operator uses cert-manager for validation and conversion webhooks.
  • Prometheus Operator installed - By default, the PrometheusRule Integration is enabled,
    and a ServiceMonitor is created for the operator. These CRDs are part of the Prometheus Operator. If you are not using Prometheus Operator, you can disable it by setting the coralogixOperator.prometheusRules.enabled=false and serviceMonitor.create=false flags during installation.


  1. Add the Coralogix Helm repository and update it:
helm repo add coralogix
helm repo update
  1. Install the operator:
helm install <my-release> coralogix/coralogix-operator \
  --set"<api-key>" \
  --set coralogixOperator.region="<region>"

For a complete list of configuration options, refer to the Helm Chart Docs.

  1. Upgrade the operator:
helm upgrade <my-release> coralogix/coralogix-operator \
  -- set coralogixOperator.region="<region>"
  1. To uninstall the operator, run:
helm delete <my-release>

A note regarding webhooks and cert-manager

By default, the operator installs admission webhooks that are used to validate the custom resources before they are applied to the cluster. The operator uses cert-manager for managing certificates, so make sure it is installed before deploying the operator. A certificate and an issuer will be installed on the cluster as part of the operator installation.

In case you are not interested in using webhooks, you can disable them by setting the coralogixOperator.webhooks.enabled=false flag during installation. Keep in mind that the operator will not be able to validate the custom resources before applied to the cluster.


Please refer to

How it works

This project aims to follow the Kubernetes Operator pattern. It uses Controllers which provides a reconcile function responsible for synchronizing resources until the Desired state is reached on the cluster.