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A partially implemented ODBC driver for the Trino distributed SQL engine


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Project Overview: Trino ODBC Driver (Partial Implementation)

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This open-source project is a partially complete ODBC driver for the Trino distributed SQL engine. It implements the essential portions of the ODBC core specification required to enable Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerBI Desktop to connect to and execute queries against a Trino server using either External Authentication or OIDC Client Credential flow. The driver was developed to address a narrow gap in connectivity options for these tools on the Windows operating system within the Open Source Trino community.

Note: this project is not sponsored by or affiliated with the Trino Software Foundation or Microsoft in any way.

⚠️ Disclaimer: Scope and Limitations ⚠️

This driver is tested to work within a very narrow scope on Windows PCs configured for use within our organization. Specifically, we target compatibility with Microsoft Excel and PowerBI Desktop with External Authentication and Client Credential Auth. Other tools, forms of authentication, and functionality of the ODBC specification were left unimplemented if not required by these tools. Functionality on external systems or configurations may vary, and compatibility is not guaranteed. For users needing cross-platform compatibility or full ODBC specification support, you should consider a feature-complete commercially available ODBC driver for Trino.

Alternatives and Performance Considerations

For PowerBI users, there is also the Trino PowerBI Connector project, which works well for many use cases. In our experience, it was found to exhibit slow loading performance on datasets contaning hundreds of millions of rows of data. This appears to be a limitation in the performance of the Microsoft Power Query language, and is not a reflection on the quality of work in the PowerBITrinoConnector project, which is fantastic!


Please see our Contributing guide for more information.

Known Limitations

  • Only compiled for Microsoft Windows
  • Only supports reading data, not writing/transacting data.
  • Does not support most forms of Trino authentication including password authentication
  • Does not support the ODBC wide-char unicode encoding (UCS-2 format, 16-bit characters)
  • Does not support Parameterized queries (SQLBindParameter, SQLParamData, SQLNumParams etc.)
  • Does not support ODBC conformance Level 1 or Level 2
  • Does not support SQL Transactions (SQLEndTran)
  • Does not support binding and fetching multiple rows in a single call (SQLFetch with array size greater than 1)
  • Does not support non-sequential data fetching (SQLFetchScroll/SQLExtendedFetch)
  • Does not support iteratively discovering and enumerating connection attributes (SQLBrowseConnect)
  • Does not support prepared execution (SQLPrepare, SQLExecute)
  • All columns are reported as being nullable, regardless of whether they are actually nullable or not.

There are many more limitations not mentioned here. The ODBC specification is quite large and it's very difficult to tell what ODBC features a given application will require by reading the spec. None of the above features are required for Microsoft PowerBI Desktop or Microsoft Excel to use the driver to read data from Trino using Client Credential Auth or External Authentication.

Identifying Specific Limitations

The best way to find what if anything is missing is to give it a try! This is relatively easy to do.

  1. Install this driver.
  2. Configure a DSN for this driver and enable trace-level logging in the DSN config.
  3. Enable tracing in the driver manager as well.
  4. Trigger an error when your application tries to use this driver.
  5. Review any error dialog boxes from the application, if they appear
  6. Review the driver logs (C:\temp\odbclog.txt) for the word "error"
  7. Review the ODBC Driver manager trace logs for the word "error"

From here, you'll often find precisely what features were required but were not yet implemented. Once you know what's missing, a review of the the ODBC specification's documentation typically explains what the missing functionality accomplishes. From there, it's just a matter of writing the code to enable it.

Developer Prerequisites

We recommend using Visual Studio Community (Not VSCode) for developing this project. Even in a commercial organization, Visual Studio Community is free to use for contributing to open source projects such as this one:

This ODBC driver makes use of the vcpkg tool for CMake. Follow the instructions here to set it up.

The installer package makes use of WiX. Installation and configuration of WiX is described in the "Installing" section below.

About the ODBC paradigm

Most applications that use ODBC do so through a driver manager rather than interacting directly with the driver. The driver manager is provided by the operating system or an operating system package (like UnixODBC). The driver manager intercepts calls from an application to execute queries, read data, describe columns, or otherwise. Then the driver manager, with knowledge of the actual capabilties of any given driver, translates those calls into the appropriate function calls for the driver. It functions as a kind of normalizing intermediary. This allows application writers not to need to understand the differences between the ODBC 2, 3.0, 3.5, and 3.8 specs to use an ODBC driver. They simply call the functions they want to use, and either the driver implements enough to do it or it does not.

In order to enable this functionality in the driver, the driver's author must supply information about the driver's capabilities to the driver manager. This is done by implementing a pair of functions. The first is SQLGetInfo, which provides a variety of information about the driver and its capabilities. One of the things the driver manager can request from SQLGetInfo is the SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER, which allows the driver manager to infer what level of capabilities should be present in the driver. The second critical function is SQLGetFunctions, which provides information to the driver manager about the specific set of functions that are available from the driver. Not every driver implements every single function in the ODBC spec, and this driver is no exception. SQLGetFunctions provides a way for the driver manager to ask if a given function is supported or not.

Testing and Debugging

The best way to test the driver is to install the build output DLL as the driver for your system. ODBC drivers are installed entirely by manipulating the Windows Registry. Set the keys as described in install/RegisterTrinoODBC.reg, but substituting the path to the TrinoODBC.dll file generated in the build output directory. Once this is done, you should see TrinoODBC show up in your ODBC Data Sources window (for both 32 and 64 bit). Every time you build this tool, the system driver is effectively updated because it points to the build output. This makes for a rapid code -> build -> test loop. Note that these registry keys are the same ones used by the installed release driver, so following this process will replace the driver installed in your system with the driver built by compiling this code.

The recommended approach to testing the driver's code is to create separate driver installations (by editing install/RegisterTrinoODBC.reg) pointing to debug and release builds of the driver. Name the drivers TrinoODBCDebug and TrinoODBCRelease. Then, create separate DSNs targeting those drivers named TrinoTestDebug and TrinoTestRelease. The test executable is already configured to select between DSNs with those two names based on the presence of the DEBUG preprocessor definition, meaning your tests will automatically target the correct driver based on your build configuration.

To get started, the easiest thing to do is to pick a processor bitness and stick with it until your feature is developed. If you decide to test both x64 and x86 builds, make sure the Driver/DSN you are testing has a bitness that matches the test suite you wish to run. It's very easy to get this mixed up and test the wrong driver, since the ODBC Driver Manager is unaware that it's being used in a test suite and should target a specific build output unless explicitly configured to do so.

The test suite assumes this DSN is configured for a vanilla trino instance. Running a standalone copy of the Trino Docker Image provides a trino instance that is sufficient to run the suite.

Once you have a driver and DSN installed and configured, run the TestDriver.exe executable to run the full test suite for this driver.

Installing a Windows ODBC Driver

There are three ways to install this driver.

  1. Using a pre-built and released MSI installer (See Releases Page)
  2. Compiling your own driver and building your own MSI installer for it.
  3. Manual driver compilation and installation.

Using a pre-built MSI installer

See the releases page for the most recent release of this driver.

Building your own MSI installer

This project uses WiX to build an installer package for this driver.

  1. We recommend using the .NET SDK to install WiX on your system. If developing in Visual Studio the .NET SDK is an optional installation option. You can re-run the installer and select "Modify" if you didn't select this the first time.
    1. If you want to manually install the .NET SDK, visit
  2. If you haven't already done so, configure a nuget package source for the .NET SDK. Instructions for Visual Studio:
  3. Begin by installing the WiX tool on your system using the .NET SDK.
    1. Run dotnet tool install --global wix --version 5.0.2
  4. Add the WiX UI extension.
    1. wix extension add -g WixToolset.UI.wixext@5.0.2
  5. Build the installer
    1. cd install
    2. ./build_x64_installer.ps1 (for a 64-bit installer)
    3. ./build_x86_installer.ps1 (for a 32-bit installer)
  6. The finished TrinoODBC_x64.msi or TrinoODBC_x86.msi installers will appear, ready to be used.

Manual Install

  1. Open regedit as admin
  2. Add Driver Information:
    2. Right-click on ODBC Drivers, select New > String Value.
    3. Name the new string value with the name of your driver (e.g., TrinoODBC).
    4. Set its value to Installed.
  3. Add Driver Configuration:
    2. Right-click on ODBCINST.INI, select New > Key.
    3. Name the new key with the name of your driver (e.g., TrinoODBC).
    4. Under this new key, create the string values described in install/RegisterTrinoODBC.reg
    5. Driver: Full path to your driver DLL (e.g., C:\Path\To\TrinoODBC.dll).
    6. Setup: (optional) Full path to a setup DLL if you have one, or set it the same as the Driver.


The following are upstream dependencies of the TrinoODBC driver. None of these dependencies are included in source form in this repository - we recommend that you obtain them using the vcpkg tool. All of them are used in unmodified form. Information about dependency license distribution and compliance is also included below.

Driver Runtime Dependencies

The driver's runtime dependencies are packaged and distributed when installing via the MSI installer packages. Their licenses are available in install\third_party_licenses.txt, which is automatically copied alongside the driver dll and the static libraries distributed with it. After installation, you can find them at [SystemFolder]\TrinoODBC\third_party_licenses.txt or [System64Folder]\TrinoODBC\third_party_licenses.txt depending on whether you are installing a 32 or 64-bit driver.

  1. libcurl
  2. nlohmann JSON
  3. openssl
  4. zlib (a dependency of libcurl, not this driver)

Specification Dependencies

  1. ODBC 3.8 Spec
    • MIT License
    • Note: This is not distributed in source form with the TrinoODBC source nor in binary form with the installer. This license is mentioned for the purpose of transparency, not due to a legal requirement.

Installer Dependencies

  1. WiX
    • Microsoft Reciprocal License (MS-RL)
    • Note: This license does not apply to the TrinoODBC driver because it is used soely to bundle/package the driver into an installer package. WiX itself is used in unmodified form.

Testing Dependencies

  1. googletest (aka gtest)
    • BSD 3-Clause "Revised" License
    • Note: This is not distributed in source form with the TrinoODBC source nor in binary form with the installer. It is required to be provided by vcpkg if you wish to compile the test suite for this repository. This license is mentioned for the purpose of transparency, not due to a legal requirement.

Development Resources

A treasure trove of API documentation for the ODBC API is available here.


A partially implemented ODBC driver for the Trino distributed SQL engine



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