All the necessary files for my first rice posted to r/unixporn. Unfortunately, I couldn't actually get the album art working in ncmpcpp; it only displayed the art for Jean-Michel Jarre's Oxygène, so I just kind of exploited it for the screenshot. For anyone who isn't as dumb as me setting it up in the early hours on no sleep, the project can be found here.
The window manager is AwesomeWM with the status bar(s) being Awesome wibars. The config for it is a little hackey but it gets the job done, and all keybindings are the defaults with addition of Super + = to show/hide the systray, which is hidden by default.
The widgets can be found here.
WPGTK is a colour scheme generator and setter which can take a scheme from the colours in an image you provide, usually your wallpaper.
The fonts used are Font Awesome and JetBrains Mono.
[] is the terminal emulator I use and my config is provided in the configs folder.
tty-clock can be found here. Arch users can install the package of the same name.
Cowsay can be found here. Arch users can install the cowsay package.
I'd be pretty surprised if any linux user coming here didn't already have neofetch, but for anyone who's just starting out or maybe just didn't bother before, it's here with the Arch package being neofetch.
ncmpcpp is a terminal frontend for MPD. Like I said before, I haven't provided the config files for them as it's kinda broken for me at the moment. Basic config can easily be found on places like the Arch wiki.
The music's just my local files, so only a small portion of what I listen to. If you want any recommendations, feel free to DM me on Reddit @ u/Corvance :)
Ranger is a terminal file manager written in Python. It can be installed with the ranger package, and I left the config at default as I felt it fit well enough with the colours.