This application contains 2 parts, one is the Flask server which will serve the http calls and the angular application. The second part is the Angular 2 (Version 6 at this point) which will provide the frontend for this project. To get the Application running follow the steps belowe.
git clone
and go into the Application Folder
cd imi-unicorns
To restore or create the Database excute the command:
mongorestore -d unicorns ./UnicornsDB/unicorns
Go into the Application Folder:
cd WebApp
and install all dependencies
npm install
for development run:
npm start
for test purposes build the application once with:
npm run build
for production builds, minified and uglyfied:
npm run prod
Next go back into the root directory
cd Server
create a Python virtual environment
python -m venv .
and install the dependencies of python with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
export the flask application to a enviroment variable:
export FLASK_APP=app/
and run the server with:
flask run
the server will be available on: