This is an index page to all of the university course assignments on this account. Each link will have brief information about the course format.
Year 1 (2017-2018, CA):
- Numerical Methods (MN), Pantelimon George Popescu; Link:
- Computer Programming (PC), Florin Pop; Link:
- Data Structures (SD), Alexandru Olteanu; Link:
Year 2 (2018-2019, CA):
- Object-Oriented Programming (POO), Lorina Negreanu; Link:
- Introduction to Computer Architecture and Assembly Language (IOCLA), Costin Boiangiu; Link:
- Network Protocols (PC), Florin Pop; Link:
- Programming Paradigms (PP), Mihnea Muraru; Link:
- Algorithm Analysis (AA), Stefan Trausan-Matu; Link:
- Algorithm Design (PA), Stefan Trausan-Matu; Link: Project &
Year 3 (2019-2020, CA):
- Parallel & Distributed Algorithms (APD), Ciprian Dobre; Link:
- Computer Graphics (EGC), Florica Moldoveanu; Link:
- Operating Systems (SO), Alexandru Radovici; Link:
- Computer Architecture (ASC), Nicolae Tapus; Link:
Year 4 (2020-2021, C1):
- Parallel Architectures (APP), Nicolae Tapus; Link:
- Multiprocessor Structures (SM), Francisc Iacob; Link:
- Computer Graphics 2 (SPG), Florica Moldoveanu; Link:
- VLSI design (PVLSI), Decebal Popescu; Link:
- Operating Systems 2 (SO2), Octavian Purdila; Link:
Year 1 (2021-2022, SAS):
- Security of Information Systems (SIS), Razvan Deaconescu; Link:
- Computer Network Security (CNS), Razvan Deaconescu; Link:
- Introduction to Quantum Computing (IQC), Pantelimon George Popescu; Link:
- Security of Mobile Devices (SMD), Laura Ruse; Link: Labs &
- Advanced Cryptography (AC), Marios Choudary; Link:
Year 2 (2022-2023, SAS):
- Cybersecurity Incidents Management (CIM), Alin Zamfiroiu; Link:
- Cloud Computing (CC), Radu Ciobanu; Link:
upb acs cti teme tema unu doi trei patru anul an universitatea politehnica bucuresti automatica si calculatoare tehnologia informatiei numerical methods metode numerice matlab octave matrici imagini page rank computer programming programarea calculatoarelor hsv rgb transformare albine stup cli generare santa claus mos craciun c cpp java cuda glsl racket haskell prolog python makefile data structures structuri de date hit the road robot planning ocr optical character recognition version control system sheriff of nothingham emergency room automatization postfix infix prefix code golf code decryption assembly x86 ghinda sliding window fereastra glisanta client http server pachet packet paradigms bytecode compiler bloxorz complet completa buna rea unica unique good bad analiza algoritmilor sorting algorithms sortare complexitati complexitate comparatie comparison proiectare design dynamic programming programare dinamica greedy graph graf grafuri homework assignment proiect halite 1 2 3 4 openmp mpi openmpi pthread thread threads distributed parallel chilipirea fft fast fourier transform transformata spaceship explorers exploratori nave elemente de grafica pe calculator laboratoare laboratory labs lab flappy bird flying 3d plane opengl worms terrain modelling teren avion cu motor modelare so systems cs pub ro stdio implementare my preprocessor defines loader memory page linux windows process scheduler asynchronous web server arhitectura sistemelor de calcul code optimization matrix matrici cod optimizari producer consumer producator consumator hashtable gpu cpu 100% matrice matrici prelucrari paralele canny edge detection imagini filtre aplicare pe gitlab grafice performanta serial paralel util png format easter egg hibrid IO retea brightness lodepng laboratoare free gratis moca visual studio sursa source sisteme de prelucrare grafica main ray tracing fjord fiord norvegian norwegian proiect project framework SIS SSI binare exploit exploitation python protection mechanism stack buffer overflow rop gadget heap section readelf data rodata text pivot stiva pivoting C virtual function table Unikraft kraft za best LibOS symex fuzzing fuzzers quantum cuantum computing nielsen qubit cirq grover pgp gpg teleportation qkd system spin jupyter notebook phone android project api spotify slurpify sas broadcast receiver threads statistics activity lifecycle songs music notifications CTF crypto decrypt crack cracking cipher decode subaru CBC oracle padding chowder unit tests testing junit suites categories jenkins camel kubernetes terraform docker swarm aws gcp deployment provider