The purpose of this repository is to try to provide PDF and EPUB vesions of Rust books. Currently, there is only an early attempt at converting the The Rust Programming Language, which you can look at here:
(Last updated: 2017-06-11)
(Last updated: 2017-06-11)
Because these books are great but I personally prefer to read on a ereader than on computer screen. Plus my pet project is building yet another converter from Markdown books to PDF, EPUB and HTML converter from Markdown books to PDF, EPUB and HTML, so I wanted to know if it could work on this kind of books.
The PDF and EPUB files are existing, so it somewhat works. They could be better, though. Inner links don't work. The toc is quite messy. There are probably a ton of quirks.
I'd also like to try to see how this works on other books. Later. Maybe.
I used Crowbook, yet another converter from Markdown books to PDF, EPUB and HTML. The book configuration file is here.
If you want to play with that too, you'll need the Github version of crowbook, since I had to do some tweaking to get The Rust Lang Book to work under it.
$ git clone
$ cargo install
$ git clone
$ cd books
$ crowbook
$ crowbook
Since the source files are in a git submodule you might need to do some git magic. Honestly, I am not sure of how that works so I won't be able to help you on that.
Keeping these versiong up to date should not be too difficult, as long
as the structure of the
file in
the source repository is mirrored
to the
file here.
The Rust Programming Language books are dual licensed under the Apache 2 and MIT License.
Other people have converted Rust books to PDF and EPUB: