A library for notifications, this started as a port from ActiveSupport::Notifications
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: crystal-community/crystal-notifications
require "notifications"
called = 0
# Subscribe to some event
Notifications.subscribe "some.event" do |event|
called += 1
# Subscribe other event
Notifications.subscribe "other.event" do |event|
called += 1
# Subscribe same event
Notifications.subscribe "other.event" do |event|
called += 1
Notifications.instrument "some.event"
Notifications.instrument "other.event"
puts called
Do you want debug info for the crystal-db shard?
Create a log subscriber
require "notifications/subscribers/db_log_subscriber"
Notifications::LogSubscriber.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT).tap do |logger|
logger.level = Logger::Severity::DEBUG
logger.formatter = Logger::Formatter.new do |severity, datetime, progname, message, io|
io << message
This will now print the following lines to STDOUT
when queries have been executed
SQL (361.0µs) create table if not exists a (i int not null, str text not null);
SQL (51.0µs) SELECT i, str FROM a WHERE i = ?
require "kemal"
require "sqlite3"
require "db"
require "notifications"
require "notifications/subscribers/kemal_log_subscriber"
require "notifications/subscribers/db_log_subscriber"
Notifications::LogSubscriber.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT).tap do |logger|
logger.level = Logger::Severity::DEBUG
get "/" do
::DB.open "sqlite3::memory:" do |db|
db.exec %(create table if not exists a (i int not null, str text not null);)
db.query("SELECT i, str FROM a WHERE i = ?", 23)
render "examples/template.ecr"
Kemal.config do |config|
config.logging = false
This will output the following:
I, [2017-07-29 23:57:02 +0200 #69971] INFO -- : Processing by GET /?test=value
I, [2017-07-29 23:57:02 +0200 #69971] INFO -- : Parameters url: {} query: {"test" => ["value"]} body: {}
D, [2017-07-29 23:57:02 +0200 #69971] DEBUG -- : SQL (642.0µs) create table if not exists a (i int not null, str text not null);
D, [2017-07-29 23:57:02 +0200 #69971] DEBUG -- : SQL (41.0µs) SELECT i, str FROM a WHERE i = ?
I, [2017-07-29 23:57:02 +0200 #69971] INFO -- : Rendered examples/template.ecr (6.0µs)
I, [2017-07-29 23:57:02 +0200 #69971] INFO -- : Completed 200 in 1.85ms
- Fork it ( https://github.com/crystal-community/crystal-notifications/fork )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
- benoist Benoist Claassen - creator, maintainer