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Implementation of the Open Service Broker API for Conjur


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As of December 2, 2024 this project is deprecated and will no longer be maintained. Please use cyberark/conjur-service-broker-go instead.

CyberArk Conjur Service Broker for Cloud Foundry

The Conjur Service Broker makes it easy to secure credentials used by applications in Cloud Foundry (CF) with CyberArk Conjur. Using the Conjur Service Broker, applications are given a Conjur identity automatically when deployed, allowing them to securely retrieve secrets stored in Conjur.

You need a Conjur installation accessible by Cloud Foundry in order to use the Conjur Service Broker; for more information about installing Conjur, please visit or check out our GitHub repository.

The Conjur Service Broker is an implementation of the Open Service Broker API (version 2.13).

Table of Contents

These instructions guide you through installing the Conjur Service Broker and the Conjur Buildpack. The Conjur Buildpack is a supply buildpack that provides a lightweight binary based on Summon to Cloud Foundry applications. This allows secrets to be securely injected into your application's environment at startup. Using the Conjur Buildpack is a convenient way to securely deliver the secrets that your application needs.

The Conjur Buildpack and Conjur Service Broker should be installed by an admin Cloud Foundry user. Follow the instructions below to configure your CF installation so that CF users in any org / space are able to see the Conjur service listing when they run cf marketplace. For more information on how to use the Conjur Service Broker when deploying applications, see the usage instructions.

Installing the Conjur Service Broker

IMPORTANT: Before you begin, ensure you are logged into your CF deployment via the CF CLI as an admin.

  1. Target the org and space where you want the Service Broker application to run

    cf target -o cyberark-conjur -s conjur-service-broker
  2. Download and push the Service Broker application

    # Get the latest version tag
    latest_version=$(curl -s |
                     grep tag_name |
                     awk '{print $NF}' |
                     sed 's/"v*,*//g')
    # Download the ZIP from the latest release version and unzip in the current directory
    curl -L $zip_url --output
    # Push the Service Broker app
    cf push --no-start --random-route

    NOTE: For Service Broker versions pre-1.1.0, the release will not include a ZIP file. Instead of downloading the release ZIP you can clone the repository itself.

  3. Configure the Service Broker application

    The Conjur Service Broker uses HTTP basic authentication, and the credentials it uses must be stored as environment variables in the Service Broker app:

    NOTE: The username and password may be any values you choose. These are used by the Service Broker to verify that requests are coming from the Cloud Foundry foundation.

    cf set-env conjur-service-broker SECURITY_USER_NAME [value]
    cf set-env conjur-service-broker SECURITY_USER_PASSWORD [value]

    To configure the Service Broker to communicate with your external Conjur instance, the Service Broker app requires the following environment variables:

    • CONJUR_ACCOUNT: the account name for the Conjur instance you are connecting to.

    • CONJUR_APPLIANCE_URL: the URL of the Conjur appliance instance you are connecting to. When using an HA Conjur master cluster, this should be the URL of the master load balancer.

    • CONJUR_FOLLOWER_URL (HA only): If using high availability, this should be the URL of a load balancer for the cluster's Follower instances. This is the URL that applications use to communicate with Conjur.

    • CONJUR_POLICY: the Policy branch where new Host identities should be added. The Conjur identity specified in CONJUR_AUTHN_LOGIN must have create and update permissions on this policy branch.

      NOTE: The CONJUR_POLICY is optional, but is strongly recommended. If this value is not specified, the Service Broker uses the root Conjur policy.

      NOTE: If you use multiple CloudFoundry foundations, this policy branch should include an identifier for the foundation to distinguish applications deployed in each foundation. For example, if you have both a production and development foundation, then your policy branches for each Conjur Service Broker might be cf/prod and cf/dev.

    • CONJUR_AUTHN_LOGIN: the identity of a Conjur Host (of the form host/host-id) with create and update privileges on CONJUR_POLICY. This account is used to add and remove Hosts from Conjur policy as apps are deployed to or removed from the platform.

      If you are using Enterprise Conjur, you should add an annotation on the Service Broker Host in policy to indicate which platform the Service Broker is used on. The policy you load should similar to:

      - !host
        id: cf-service-broker
          platform: cloudfoundry

      You may elect to set platform to cloudfoundry or to pivotalcloudfoundry, for example. This annotation is used to set annotations on Hosts added by the Service Broker, so that they show in the Conjur UI with the appropriate platform logo.

      NOTE: The CONJUR_AUTHN_LOGIN value for the Host created in policy above is host/cf-service-broker.

    • CONJUR_AUTHN_API_KEY: the API Key of the Conjur Host whose identity you have provided in CONJUR_AUTHN_LOGIN.

    • CONJUR_SSL_CERTIFICATE: the PEM-encoded x509 CA certificate chain for Conjur. This is required if your Conjur installation uses SSL (e.g. Conjur Enterprise).

      This value may be obtained by running the command:

      $ openssl s_client -showcerts -servername [CONJUR_DNS_NAME] \
          -connect [CONJUR_DNS_NAME]:443 < /dev/null 2> /dev/null \
          | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p'
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    • ENABLE_SPACE_IDENTITY: When set to true, the service broker provides applications with a Space-level host identity, rather than create a new host identity for each application in Conjur at bind time. This allows the broker to use a Conjur follower for application binding, rather than the Conjur master.

    To load these environment variables into the Service Broker's environment, run:

    cf set-env conjur-service-broker CONJUR_VERSION [value]
    cf set-env conjur-service-broker CONJUR_ACCOUNT [value]
    cf set-env conjur-service-broker CONJUR_APPLIANCE_URL [value]
    cf set-env conjur-service-broker CONJUR_AUTHN_LOGIN [value]
    cf set-env conjur-service-broker CONJUR_AUTHN_API_KEY [value]
    cf set-env conjur-service-broker CONJUR_POLICY [value]
    cf set-env conjur-service-broker CONJUR_SSL_CERTIFICATE [value]
    cf set-env conjur-service-broker ENABLE_SPACE_IDENTITY [value]
  4. Start the Service Broker application

    cf start conjur-service-broker

    NOTE: When the Service Broker application is started, it runs a health check that validates its connection to your Conjur instance.

  5. Register the Service Broker in Cloud Foundry

    Use the same Basic Auth credentials specified in your environment variables:

    APP_URL="http://`cf app conjur-service-broker | grep -E -w 'urls:|routes:' | awk '{print $2}'`"
    cf create-service-broker conjur-service-broker "[username value]" "[password value]" $APP_URL
  6. List the Conjust service in the marketplace for all Orgs and Spaces

    cf enable-service-access cyberark-conjur

The CyberArk Conjur Service Broker is now installed and ready to use!

Installing the Conjur Buildpack

The Conjur Buildpack uses a lightweight Go binary based on Summon to load secrets into the environment of CF-deployed applications using the app's secrets.yml file.

For instructions on installing and using the Conjur Buildpack, please see the Conjur Buildpack documentation.

  1. Confirm Conjur Service is in the Marketplace

    Once the Service Broker is installed, you should see the service listing from any org / space:

    $ cf marketplace
    Getting services from marketplace in org cyberark-conjur-org / space cyberark-conjur-space as admin...
    service             plans                  description
    cyberark-conjur     community              An open source security service that provides secrets management, machine-identity based authorization, and more.
    TIP:  Use 'cf marketplace -s SERVICE' to view descriptions of individual plans of a given service.
  2. Create a Conjur Service Instance

    When you are ready to use the Conjur Service Broker, you can create a Conjur service instance under the community plan in the org / space where you are deploying your application:

    cf create-service cyberark-conjur community conjur

    NOTE: Service instances cannot be shared between spaces. A Conjur service instance must be created in each space where apps retrieve secrets from Conjur.

    Organization and Space Layers

    For VMWare Tanzu Application Service (TAS) or Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) 2.0+, when the service broker is provisioned in a space, it automatically creates policy branches and layers for the org and space. See below for more information on using these org and space layers to permit access to secrets in Conjur.

    The policy the service broker loads to define these layers is similar to:

    # Policy for the Organization
    - !policy
      # Organization GUID from the platform.
      # This may be obtained by running `cf org --guid {org name}
      id: cbd7a05a-b304-42a9-8f66-6827ae6f78a1
        pcf/orgName: my-organization # note that this is only added for Service Broker API 2.15 and up
        pcf/type: org
        # Layer to privilege an entire organzation to a resource
        - !layer
        # Policy for the Space
        - !policy
          # Space GUID from the platform.
          # This may be obtained by running `cf space --guid {space name}
          id: 8bf39f4a-ebde-437b-9c38-3d234b80631a
          annotations: #note that this only gets added on service broker api version 2.15 and up, when the attribute is made available to us.
            pcf/orgName: my-organization # note that this is only added for Service Broker API 2.15 and up
            pcf/spaceName: my-space
            pcf/type: space
            # Layer to privilege an entire space to a resource
            # The service broker adds applications to this layer automatically.
            - !layer
        # Grant to add the Space layer to the Org Layer
        - !grant
          role: !layer
          member: !layer 8bf39f4a-ebde-437b-9c38-3d234b80631a

    Application vs Space Host Identity

    When an application is bound to the Conjur service, it receives an identity in Conjur and credentials to authenticate to Conjur.

    The service broker may be configured to either create a single Conjur identity shared by all applications in a space, or to create a Conjur identity for each application separately.

    In TAS or PCF version 2.0+, when the service broker creates the identity for your application in Conjur, it automatically adds it to a Conjur Layer representing the Organization and Space where the application is deployed. These layers may be used to control secret access at the org or space level, rather than the application host itself.

    Space-scoped Identity

    Space-scoped identities are enabled by configuring the service broker with ENABLE_SPACE_IDENTITY set to true. This means that when a service instance is created in a space, the service broker creates a Conjur Host for that space. When an application is bound to the service, the service broker gives it the credentials of the space identity, rather than create a new host identity for the application.

    The advantage to this is the bind operation only requires access to a Conjur follower and not the Conjur master. This promotes high-availability and scalability of app binding and secret retrieval.

    When using space host identities, only the org and space layers should be used for permitting access to secrets. More information on this is available below.

    Application-scoped Identity

    When space identities are not enabled, the service broker creates a new Conjur host identity for each application bound to the service. This requires that the service broker is able to communicate with the Conjur master for each bind request.

    The advantage to this is finer-grained access control and audit logs in Conjur.

    Application host identities may be permitted to access secrets at the org and space level or at the application level.

  1. Create a secrets.yml File

    To leverage the Conjur Buildpack so that secret values are automatically injected into your application's environment at runtime, your application needs a secrets.yml file is. The secrets.yml file gives a mapping of environment variable name to a location where a secret is stored in Conjur. For more information about creating this file, see the Summon documentation.

  2. Bind Your Application to the Conjur Service

    Binding your application to the conjur service instance provides the application with an identity in Conjur, and credentials that it may use to retrieve secrets.

    • Using the Cloud Foundry CLI

      To bind your application to the conjur service using the CLI, run the command:

      cf bind-service my-app conjur
    • Using the Application Manifest

      Alternatively you can specify the conjur service in your application manifest:

      - name: my-app
        - conjur
  3. Permit the Application to Access Secrets in Conjur

    TAS applications can be granted access to secrets using either the Org and Space layers, or with the application host identity.

    Applications can be granted access to secrets by privileging the Org or Space layers to read secrets using Conjur policy.

    The layer Ids use the Org and Space GUID identifiers, which may be obtained using the Cloud Foundry CLI:

    $ cf org --guid <org-name>
    $ cf space --guid <space-name>

    For example, the policy to privilege a space layer to access a secret is:

    - !permit
      resource: my-secret-id
      role: !layer cf/prod/6b40649e-331b-424d-afa0-6d569f016f51/72a928f6-bf7c-4732-a195-896f67bd1133
      privileges: [ read, execute ]

    NOTE: Application Host identity permissions are not available when using Space Host Identies.

    After your application has been pushed to the platform, you can use its host identity in Conjur policy to grant it access to secrets. The application does not have access to secrets and should not be started until this step is completed. To prevent the app from starting when it is first pushed, use the --no-start flag:

    cf push my-app --no-start

    The host identity of the application is stored in the authn_login field in the cyberark-conjur credentials in the application's environment, and might look something like host/cf/prod/0299a19d-7de4-4e98-89f6-372ac7c0521f.

    NOTE: In TAS or PCF version 2.0+, the host identity includes the Organization and Space GUIDs in the Host identity, for example:

  4. Run Your Application

    NOTE: If you use the Org and Space layers to permit access to secrets, and those permissions are granted before pushing your application, this step is not required. Your application will already have access to the secrets when it is initially pushed.

    Now that your application is privileged to access the secrets it needs in Conjur, start or restage the app so that the Conjur Buildpack can inject the secret values into the running application's environment.

    cf start my-app
    # or
    cf restage my-app

The secrets are now available to be used by the application, but are not visible when you run cf env my-app or if you cf ssh my-app and run printenv.

Rotating Application Host Identities

When using application host identities (ENABLE_SPACE_IDENTITY=false), the host API key may be rotated by simply re-binding the application to the Conjur service:

cf unbind-service <app-name> conjur
cf bind-service <app-name> conjur

NOTE: This will issue a new identity to the application, not just a new API key, so any application specific permissions will need to be granted again. Any permissions granted to the org or space layers will be automatically inherited by the new identity.

Rotating Space Host Identities

Rotating the host API key when Space Host Identities are enabled (ENABLE_SPACE_IDENTITY=true) requires coordinating the host credential update with all apps in a space.

  1. Rotate the Space Host API key using the Conjur CLI. This will return the new API key for the host:

    conjur host rotate_api_key --host <cf policy root>/<org-guid>/<space-guid>
    # for example
    $ conjur host rotate_api_key --host cf/prod/6b40649e-331b-424d-afa0-6d569f016f51/72a928f6-bf7c-4732-a195-896f67bd1133
  2. Update the Space API key secret in Conjur:

    conjur variable values add "<cf policy root>/<org-guid>/<space-guid>/space-host-api-key" "<api-key-value>"
    # For example:
    conjur variable values add "cf/prod/6b40649e-331b-424d-afa0-6d569f016f51/72a928f6-bf7c-4732-a195-896f67bd1133/space-host-api-key" "1p9c5443sy1bg93ek2e062wsnmvy3p9k9j83nq841sj1sp2vasze1r"
  3. Re-bind each application in the space to Conjur

    This will provide the updated credentials to each application

    cf unbind-service <app-name> conjur
    cf bind-service <app-name> conjur
  4. Re-stage each application in the space

    This causes each app to retrieve its secrets using the rotated credentials

    cf restage <app-name>
Using the Conjur Service Broker and Java API

The Conjur Service Broker is most frequently used with the Conjur Buildpack, but you can also use the identity and authentication credentials provided by the service broker to authenticate with Conjur using different tools. In this example we retrieve a secret value using the Conjur API for Java. Credentials are provided to the API via JSON stored in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable.

package net.conjur.sample;

import javax.json.Json;
import javax.json.JsonReader;
import javax.json.JsonObject;
import net.conjur.api.Endpoints;
import net.conjur.api.clients.ResourceClient;

public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String vcapServices = System.getenv("VCAP_SERVICES");

        JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new StringReader(vcapServices));
        JsonObject credentials = jsonReader.readObject()

        String account = credentials.getString("account");
        String apiKey = credentials.getString("authn_api_key");
        String applianceUrl = credentials.getString("appliance_url");
        String hostId = credentials.getString("authn_login");

        String authnUrl = String.format("%s/authn/%s", applianceUrl, account);
        String variableUrl = String.format("%s/secrets/%s/variable", applianceUrl, account);

        Endpoints conjurEndpoints = new Endpoints(authnUrl, variableUrl);
        ResourceClient conjurApi = new ResourceClient(hostId, apiKey, conjurEndpoints);

        String mySecretValue = conjurApi.retrieveSecret("dev/test-app/secret-key");


NOTE: The conjur-api-java does not manage certificate trust. It is up to you to import the Conjur CA certificate via keytool or otherwise.

NOTE: ResourceClient should be used as the API client instead of Conjur (as in the example above). This differs slightly from what's documented in the cyberark/conjur-api-java repository. The recommendation given here is different from the Java client library documentation because the Conjur configuration is not stored in the standard CONJUR_X environment variables in this case.

Information for developing and testing the service broker can be found in the Contributing Guide.

This repository is licensed under Apache License 2.0 - see LICENSE for more details.