Array Manipulator uses Composer for installation. For installing composer documentation, please refer to getcomposer.org. Add following into your composer.json.
"cygnite/file" : "1.*"
Cygnite file component handling file upload and creating thumbnail image etc.
Upload file using file component.
Example Usage:
use Cygnite\Common\File\Upload\Upload;
$status = Upload::process( function($upload)
// Your code goes here
$upload->file = 'document';
$upload->ext = array("JPG");
$upload->size = '32092';
if ( $upload->save(array("destination"=> "upload", "fileName"=>"file_new_name")) ) {
// Upload Success
} else {
// Error catch here
// var_dump($status);
Image Cropping / Thumbnail Image:
Make thumbnail image.
Example Usage:
use Cygnite\Common\File\Thumbnail\Image;
$thumb = new Image();
$thumb->directory = 'Set your directory path';
$thumb->fixedWidth = 100;
$thumb->fixedHeight = 100;
$thumb->thumbPath = 'your thumbnail image path';
$thumb->thumbName = 'Your thumbnail image name';
// Optional. If you doen't want to have custom name then it will generate thumb as same name of original image.