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Api test automation tool created with golang.


  • Configure tests using yaml files
  • Run a test case or test suite (organized in folders).
  • Export results to json or csv for reporting.
  • Specify numbers of test cases to replicate. (i.e how many duplicates of same test case.)
  • Specify delay between tests. (e.g how much time to wait before making the next api call.)
  • Soap payloads support.
  • Initial functions to be executed e.g generate token for other api headers.
  • Html reporting plugin for reporting.


Download the source code, then compile for the intended architecture(unix,windows ...). Place the generated binary and appconfigs.yaml file in the bin folder or path variables folder (WIN).

go get

or download sample builds from builds folder.


go build -o dash

Running sample tests

Open commandline and type dash. If it was properly installed then the cli commands will be displayed.

On the project, sample scenarios and configurations are inside test folder.

% dash -c test/configs.yaml -s test/test.yaml -v=true -o=all

  • -c (string) config file
  • -o (string) report output format, supported options are (json, csv, all)
  • -s (string) scenarios directory/file
  • -v (string) show a detailed log before writing to other formats

Sample Report generated from json file

dash sample report gui


Check test folder, sample usage and examples will be regularly updated there.


All Ideas and development are welcome.