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Fractal Image Generators in SDL

GitHub Repository

Building (Unix/Linux)

cd repository/src

Dependencies: sdl2, sdl2-image


./Fractals.exe /PARAMS={parameters.json} /IMAGE={image.png} /PALETTE={palette.json} /BENCHMARK {other parameters}

Required parameters

/PARAMS={parameters.json} or /PARAMETERS={parameters.json}

Read parameters from {parameters.json} file.

See parameters/ for sample parameter files.

Optional parameters


Save fractal to {image.png}


Use {palette.json} colormap. See palettes/ for some colormaps that can be used.


Generate fractal in memory without rendering on the screen or saving image to {image.png}

Without /BENCHMARK and /IMAGE, the fractal is rendered on the screen.

Other parameters


Inverts x-axis. Left to right goes from + to - values.


Inverts y-axis. Top to bottom goes from - to + values.


Inverts color values.


Use log-scale color mapping. Overrides color mapping in parameter file.


Use normalized color mapping. Overrides color mapping in parameter file.


Use moduluo-255 color mapping. Overrides color mapping in parameter file.


Use histogram color mapping. Overrides color mapping in parameter file.


Use default color mapping. Overrides color mapping in parameter file.


Mandelbrot Set

Mandelbrot Set


Generator z^exp + C
exponent 2
max iterations 255
escape value 4.0
parameter files mandelbrot, mandelbrot2, mandelbrot3
palette default
source(s) Mandelbrot.hpp, Mandelbrot2.hpp, Mandelbrot3.hpp



Time (mean ± σ):     474.8 ms ±   7.7 ms    [User: 450.3 ms, System: 17.9 ms]
Range (min … max):   460.1 ms … 484.7 ms    10 runs


Time (mean ± σ):     382.1 ms ±   7.6 ms    [User: 359.3 ms, System: 17.4 ms]
Range (min … max):   375.8 ms … 401.5 ms    10 runs


Time (mean ± σ):     390.9 ms ±  11.6 ms    [User: 365.0 ms, System: 18.2 ms]
Range (min … max):   376.6 ms … 411.8 ms    10 runs




Generator z - (z^3 - 1)/(3z^2)
tolerance 1e-6
max iterations 255
parameter file newton1
palette default
source Newton1.hpp
Time (mean ± σ):     868.1 ms ±   8.0 ms    [User: 822.9 ms, System: 35.2 ms]
Range (min … max):   855.1 ms … 882.9 ms    10 runs

Julia Sets

Common Parameters

Generator z^exp + C
max iterations 255
escape value 4.0
source Julia.hpp

Specific Parameters and Benchmarks

Julia 1

C -0.4 + 0.6i
parameter file julia1
palette magma
Time (mean ± σ):     821.6 ms ±   8.3 ms    [User: 770.7 ms, System: 38.7 ms]
Range (min … max):   812.3 ms … 836.7 ms    10 runs

Julia 2

C -0.8 + 0.156i
parameter file julia2
palette inferno
Time (mean ± σ):     936.7 ms ±  10.5 ms    [User: 881.0 ms, System: 39.5 ms]
Range (min … max):   925.1 ms … 959.9 ms    10 runs

Julia 3

C 0.285 + 0.01i
parameter file julia3
palette moreland
Time (mean ± σ):     732.1 ms ±  12.2 ms    [User: 678.0 ms, System: 38.8 ms]
Range (min … max):   718.5 ms … 755.8 ms    10 run

Julia 4

C -0.7269 + 0.1889i
parameter file julia4
palette magma
Time (mean ± σ):      1.224 s ±  0.019 s    [User: 1.166 s, System: 0.041 s]
Range (min … max):    1.201 s …  1.263 s    10 runs

Julia 5

C 0.26294324588 - 0.0024215732998i
max iterations 320
normalized colormap true
parameter file julia5
palette inverted jet
Time (mean ± σ):      3.495 s ±  0.027 s    [User: 3.428 s, System: 0.039 s]
Range (min … max):    3.454 s …  3.544 s    10 runs


Mandelbrot 4


Generator z^exp + C
exponent 4
max iterations 255
escape value 4.0
parameter file mandelbrot4
palette default
source Mandelbrot.hpp
Time (mean ± σ):      3.937 s ±  0.055 s    [User: 3.831 s, System: 0.056 s]
Range (min … max):    3.898 s …  4.063 s    10 runs

Burning Ship

Burning Ship


Generator (Re(Zn) + iIm(Zn))^2 + C
inverted x true
inverted y true
normalized colormap true
inside color 0
max iterations 100
escape value 4.0
parameter file burningship
palette hot
source Mandelbrot.hpp
Time (mean ± σ):     559.9 ms ±   4.1 ms    [User: 518.1 ms, System: 33.7 ms]
Range (min … max):   552.8 ms … 567.2 ms    10 runs

Burning Ship (2)

Burning Ship 2


Generator (Re(Zn) + iIm(Zn))^2 + C
inverted x true
inverted y true
log colormap true
inside color 0
max iterations 100
escape value 4.0
parameter file burningship2
palette plasma
source Mandelbrot.hpp
Time (mean ± σ):      1.469 s ±  0.289 s    [User: 0.840 s, System: 0.054 s]
Range (min … max):    1.248 s …  2.128 s    10 runs

Burning Ship (3)

Burning Ship 3


Generator (Re(Zn) + iIm(Zn))^2 + C
inverted x true
inverted y true
log colormap true
inside color 0
max iterations 100
escape value 4.0
parameter file burningship3
palette bluered
source Mandelbrot.hpp
Time (mean ± σ):      1.469 s ±  0.289 s    [User: 0.840 s, System: 0.054 s]
Range (min … max):    1.248 s …  2.128 s    10 runs




Generator (z_x^2 + z_y^2) - i(2 * z_x * z_y) + C
inside color 0
max iterations 255
escape value 4.0
parameter file tricorn
palette parula
source Tricorn.hpp
Time (mean ± σ):     575.8 ms ±  21.6 ms    [User: 528.1 ms, System: 36.5 ms]
Range (min … max):   536.0 ms … 602.0 ms    10 runs




Generator Z_bar^exp + C
exponent 4
inside color 0
max iterations 255
escape value 4.0
parameter file multicorn
palette viridis
source Mandelbrot.hpp
Time (mean ± σ):      1.316 s ±  0.016 s    [User: 1.261 s, System: 0.040 s]
Range (min … max):    1.293 s …  1.346 s    10 runs

Barnsley Fern

Barnsley Fern


Generator (xn) xn = xx * x + xy * y + xc (see below)
Generator (yn) yn = yx * x + yy * y + yc (see below)
inside color 128
max iterations 10000000
parameter file barnsleyfern
palette green
source IteratedFunctionSystem.hpp


Probability Transformation [ xx xy yx yy xc yc ]
p < 0.01 [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.160 0.000 0.000 ]
p < 0.86 [ 0.850 0.040 -0.040 0.850 0.000 1.600 ]
p < 0.93 [ 0.200 -0.260 0.230 0.220 0.000 1.600 ]
p < 1.00 [ -0.150 0.280 0.260 0.240 0.000 0.440 ]
Time (mean ± σ):     664.8 ms ±   9.4 ms    [User: 621.5 ms, System: 33.5 ms]
Range (min … max):   648.1 ms … 676.3 ms    10 runs

Barnsley Fern (Culcita)

Barnsley Fern


Generator (xn) xn = xx * x + xy * y + xc (see below)
Generator (yn) yn = yx * x + yy * y + yc (see below)
inside color 128
max iterations 10000000
parameter file culcita
palette green
source IteratedFunctionSystem.hpp


Probability Transformation [ xx xy yx yy xc yc ]
p < 0.02 [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.000 -0.140 ]
p < 0.86 [ 0.850 0.020 -0.020 0.830 0.000 1.000 ]
p < 0.93 [ 0.090 -0.280 0.300 0.110 0.000 0.600 ]
p < 1.00 [ -0.090 0.280 0.300 0.090 0.000 0.700 ]
Time (mean ± σ):     637.9 ms ±  32.5 ms    [User: 583.6 ms, System: 33.9 ms]
Range (min … max):   589.1 ms … 683.9 ms    10 runs

Barnsley Fern (Thelypteridaceae)

Barnsley Fern


Generator (xn) xn = xx * x + xy * y + xc (see below)
Generator (yn) yn = yx * x + yy * y + yc (see below)
inside color 128
max iterations 10000000
parameter file thelypteridaceae
palette green
source IteratedFunctionSystem.hpp


Probability Transformation [ xx xy yx yy xc yc ]
p < 0.02 [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.000 -0.400 ]
p < 0.86 [ 0.950 0.005 -0.005 0.930 -0.002 0.500 ]
p < 0.93 [ 0.035 -0.200 0.160 0.040 -0.090 0.020 ]
p < 1.00 [ -0.040 0.200 0.160 0.040 0.083 0.120 ]
Time (mean ± σ):     572.3 ms ±   8.5 ms    [User: 533.0 ms, System: 31.7 ms]
Range (min … max):   562.6 ms … 590.9 ms    10 runs

Sierpinski Carpet

Sierpinski Carpet


Generator (xn) xn = xx * x + xy * y + xc (see below)
Generator (yn) yn = yx * x + yy * y + yc (see below)
inside color 128
max iterations 10000000
parameter file sierpinski-carpet
palette sand
source IteratedFunctionSystem.hpp


Probability Transformation [ xx xy yx yy xc yc ]
p < 0.125 [ 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.33 -0.66 0.66 ]
p < 0.250 [ 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.66 ]
p < 0.375 [ 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.66 0.66 ]
p < 0.500 [ 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.33 -0.66 0.00 ]
p < 0.625 [ 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.66 0.00 ]
p < 0.750 [ 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.33 -0.66 -0.66 ]
p < 0.875 [ 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 -0.66 ]
p < 1.000 [ 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.66 -0.66 ]
Time (mean ± σ):     429.3 ms ±  31.5 ms    [User: 402.7 ms, System: 18.1 ms]
Range (min … max):   393.0 ms … 472.3 ms    10 runs

Sierpinski Triangle

Sierpinski Triangle


Generator (xn) xn = xx * x + xy * y + xc (see below)
Generator (yn) yn = yx * x + yy * y + yc (see below)
inside color 128
max iterations 10000000
parameter file sierpinski-triangle
palette inverted gnpu
source IteratedFunctionSystem.hpp


Probability Transformation [ xx xy yx yy xc yc ]
p < 0.33 [ 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 -0.50 -0.50 ]
p < 0.66 [ 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 ]
p < 1.00 [ 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 -0.50 ]
Time (mean ± σ):     377.3 ms ±  26.8 ms    [User: 353.2 ms, System: 16.8 ms]
Range (min … max):   350.7 ms … 432.0 ms    10 runs

Other Examples


Tree Parameters: tree


Seaweed Parameters: seaweed

Julia (Dragon)

Julia Dragon Parameters: julia-dragon

Julia (Siegel Disk)

Julia Siegel Disk Parameters: julia-siegel

Julia (Flower)

Julia Flower Parameters: julia-flower

Mandelbrot (Histogram coloring)

Mandelbrot Histogram Parameters: mandelbrot-histogram

Chrysantemum (Julia)

Chrysantemum Parameters: chrysantemum

Cross Snowflakes

Cross Snowflakes Parameters: cross-snowflakes


Crystal Parameters: crystal

Dendrite (Julia)

Dendrite Parameters: dendrite

EKG (Julia)

EKG Parameters: ekg

Snowflakes (Julia)

Snowflakes Parameters: julia-snowflakes

Sine (Julia)

Sine Parameters: julia-sin

Cosine (Julia)

Cosine Parameters: julia-cos

Dragon Curve

Dragon Curve Parameters: dragon-curve

Julia (1/z|Conjugate)

Julia (1/z|Conjugate) Parameters: julia-funcs

Julia (c * fn(z))

Julia (c * fn(z) Parameters: julia-func

Julia 6

Julia 6 Parameters: julia6

Koch Curve

Koch Curve Parameters: koch

Koch Triangle

Koch Triangle Parameters: koch-triangle

Koch (Mix)

Koch (Mix) Parameters: kochmix


Leaf Parameters: leaf

Leaf 2

Leaf 2 Parameters: leaf2

Levy Curve

Levy Curve Parameters: levy-curve

Mandelbrot (Sine)

Mandelbrot (Sine) Parameters: mandelbrot-func

Mandelbrot (Sqr|Cos)

Mandelbrot (Sqr|Cos) Parameters: mandelbrot-funcs

Mandelbrot (1/z^4)

Mandelbrot (1/z^4) Parameters: mandelbrot-reciprocal


Maple Parameters: maple

Pascal Hadamard

Maple Parameters: pascal-hadamard


Pentagon Parameters: pentagon

Mandelbrot sinh^2(z)

Mandelbrot sinh^2(z) Parameters: sinh


Snowflakes Parameters: snowflakes

Tree 2

Tree2 Parameters: tree2


Newton Parameters: newton

Newton IV

Newton IV Parameters: newton4

Barnsley Tree

Barnsley Tree Parameters: barnsleytree


Biomorph M (Mandelbrot)

Biomorph (Mandelbrot) Parameters: biomorph-mandelbrot

Biomorph 1 (Julia)

Biomorph (Julia) Parameters: biomorph-julia

Biomorph 2 (Julia)

Biomorph (Julia) Parameters: biomorph-julia2

Biomorph 3 (Julia)

Biomorph (Julia) Parameters: biomorph-julia3

Biomorph 4 (Julia)

Biomorph (Julia) Parameters: biomorph-julia3

Biomorph 5 (Julia)

Biomorph (Julia) Parameters: biomorph-julia5

Biomorph 6 (Julia)

Biomorph (Julia) Parameters: biomorph-julia6

Biomorph 7 (Julia)

Biomorph (Julia) Parameters: biomorph-julia7

Biomorph 8 (Julia)

Biomorph (Julia) Parameters: biomorph-julia8