This is my personal website built with Hugo using a modified version of the Sada theme. The site serves as my online resume and professional portfolio, but more importantly, it's a learning project focused on learning DevOps/CI/CD.
- Hugo (Static Site Generator)
- Tailwind CSS
- GitHub Actions
- Digital Ocean
- Nginx
This project was created to:
- Build a professional portfolio website
- Learn and implement DevOps principles
- Set up a complete CI/CD pipeline
- Practice infrastructure as code concepts
The site features a GitHub Actions workflow that:
- Runs on every push to the main branch
- Performs automated HTML validation
- Builds the static site with Hugo
- Deploys the built files to Digital Ocean via SCP
- Includes security best practices for secret management
To run the site locally:
- Install Hugo (extended version)
- Clone this repository
- Run
hugo server -D
To build the site for production:
- Run
- The built site will be in the
Based on the Sada theme by Darshan Baral, with custom modifications for dark mode and additional layouts.