MAHAds - MobAppHome advertisment library
- Developer: Sattar Hummatli - LinkedIn,, Other libs
- Translator
: Fariz Aghayev - Translator
: azzarr
- Description
- Service structure
- Library structure
- Installation manual
- Help - Issues
- Releases - Upgrade documentation
- To contribute
- Contributors
- Localization
- Applications using MAHAds
- Other libraries by developer
Library for advertisement own apps through your other apps.
By the help of this lib you can provide your apps list to users through your own other apps and let to install them.
Library has build on IDE Android Studio
and binaries have added to jcenter()
You can check jCenter() download statistics on this link -
There is a list of application using MAHAds. It would be nice if see your app link there too. If you use this library and want to see your app in the start of the list please inform me or send a pull request.
MAHAds - Sample app has published on Google PlayStore. You can easly test module functionality with downloading it.
To provide your apps list you have to implement service provider. Structure of the service is as below. Your root folder has to contain imgs
folder and two files program_version.json
, program_list.json
Now you can set canonical
- imgs/avto_nishanlar2.png and noncanonical
- link to image for example.
imgs - "contains logos for your porgram on the list"
program_version.json - "show the ads service version."
program_list.json - "contains program list"
service has to return json as below.
service has to return json as below. There is two application in this sample:
"name":"Avto Nişanlar",
"desc":"Bütün yol nişanları",
"desc":"Valyuta çeviricisi və məzənnələr",
and update_date
can be missed. Data will read.
Library has testes with up to 1000 program items
in program list. It works normally.
You can provide http://
and https://
services. Library works both of them.
You can check you json validity with this
Library has MAHAdsController.init()
method. It initialize modul, downloads program list from service and cashes them.
Library contains from to Dialog component
- This dialog calls when app quits and offers user quit or stay in app. By the way it offers random two application from your listMAHAdsDlgPrograms
- This dialog list your application from service and let you open nd install them
1) To import library to you project add following lines to project's build.gradle
file. The last stable version is 2.0.4
dependencies {
compile 'com.mobapphome.library:mah-ads:2.0.4'
2) Call MAHAdsController.init()
in your project's starting point. For example: MainActivity's onCreate()
method or in splash activity. Check url to point your services root path. MAHAdsController.init()
method has two variation with different arguments.
MAHAdsController.init(this,"", "github_apps_prg_version.json", "github_apps_prg_list.json")
3) Call MAHAdsController.callExitDialog()
when your app quits. It opens MAHAdsDlgExit
dilog. MAHAdsController.callExitDialog()
method has three variation with different arguments. By the help oh this arguments you can customize Info button
on the upper right corner of dilog.
public void onBackPressed() {
Note: To implement MAHAdsDlgExit
Dialog's onYes()
, onNo()
, onExitWithoutExitDlg()
, onEventHappened(String eventStr)
your main activity has to implement MAHAdsExitListener
. Otherwise it will through ClassCastExeption
. "Your activity must implement MAHAdsExitListener"
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements MAHAdsExitListener{
public void onYes() {}
public void onNo() {}
public void onExitWithoutExitDlg() {}
public void onEventHappened(String eventStr) {}
4) To open MAHAdsDlgPrograms
call MAHAdsController.callProgramsDialog()
. In library sample it has added to menu. MAHAdsController.callProgramsDialog()
method has three variation with different arguments. By the help oh this arguments you can customize Info button
on the upper right corner of dilog.
5) To customize MAHAds
dialog UI and overide colors set these values on your main projects color.xml
<color name="mah_ads_window_background_color">#FFFFFFFF</color>
<color name="mah_ads_title_bar_color">#FF3F51B5</color>
<!--new--> <color name="mah_ads_title_bar_text_color">#ffffff</color>
<color name="mah_ads_colorAccent">#FFFF4081</color>
<color name="mah_ads_all_and_btn_text_color">#FF3F51B5</color>
<!--new--> <color name="mah_ads_no_image_color">#3F51B5</color>
<!--new--> <color name="mah_ads_program_item_desc_text_color">#4a76e6</color>
<color name="mah_ads_question_txt_color">#FF3F51B5</color>
<color name="mah_ads_yes_no_txt_color">#FFFF4081</color>
<color name="mah_ads_btn_other_border_color">#848ed2</color>
<color name="mah_ads_btn_background_color_pressed">#333F51B5</color>
<color name="mah_ads_text_view_new_background_color">#FF0000</color>
<color name="mah_ads_text_view_new_text_color">#FFFFFFFF</color>
<color name="mah_ads_no_img_color">#333F51B5</color>
7) Localization:
Following languages is supporting by the lib - Supported Languages. To set localization to app use your own method or if it is static and don't change in program session you can just simply add LocaleUpdater.updateLocale(this, "your_lang");
in the start of your app. For examlpe LocaleUpdater.updateLocale(this, "ru");
8) To customize MAHAds
UI texts and overide them add these lines to main projects string.xml
and set them values
<string name="mah_ads_close">Close</string>
<string name="mah_ads_dlg_title">Recommended</string>
<string name="mah_ads_text_google_play">Open in GooglePlay</string>
<string name="mah_ads_info_version">Version</string>
<string name="mah_ads_internet_update_error">Error, please check internet connection and try again.</string>
<string name="mah_ads_open_program">Open</string>
<string name="mah_ads_install_program">Install</string>
<string name="mah_ads_refresh_btn">Retry</string>
<string name="mah_ads_free_aps">Recommended applications</string>
<string name="mah_ads_new_text">New</string>
<string name="mah_ads_updated_text">Updated</string>
<string name="mah_ads_dlg_exit_question">Do you want exit?</string>
<string name="mah_ads_dlg_exit_positive_btn_txt">Exit</string>
<string name="mah_ads_dlg_exit_negativ_btn_txt">Stay</string>
<string name="mah_ads_dlg_exit_btn_more_txt_1">Applications</string>
<string name="mah_ads_dlg_exit_btn_more_txt_2">Detailed</string>
<string name="mah_ads_info_popup_text">MAHAds library</string>
<!--new--> <string name="mah_ads_play_service_not_found">Install Google Play Services to install application</string>
Note You can even customize dialogs in your application. Copy layout/mah_ads_dialog_programs.xml
, layout/mah_ads_dialog_exit.xml
files and put in your layot dir and customize them as you want. But keep view ids as they are. They will overide older ones from library.
8) As modul takes information from web servcie you need add INTERNET
permission to main project.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
MAHAds uses Jsoup lib. There for if you want to create your project with proguard you need to add following configuration to your proguard file.
##-----------------To show exceptions right --------------------------------------
-keep public class * extends java.lang.Exception
##---------------Begin: proguard configuration for Jsoup--------------------------------
-keep public class org.jsoup.** {
public *;
##---------------End: proguard configuration for Jsoup--------------------------------
##---------------Begin: proguard configuration for Bumptech/Glide--------------------------------
-keep public class * implements com.bumptech.glide.module.GlideModule
-keep public enum com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.ImageHeaderParser$** {
**[] $VALUES;
public *;
#Following is needed for Glide on DexGuard only. Uncomment it when DexGuard
#-keepresourcexmlelements manifest/application/meta-data@value=GlideModule
##---------------End: proguard configuration for Bumptech/Glide--------------------------------
If you have any problem with setting and using library or want to ask question, please let me know. Create issue or write to I will help.
See releases. Please,read release notes to migrate your app from old version to a newer.
I am open to here offers and opinions from you
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create new Pull Request
- Star it
Library now supports following languages
- English
- Azerbaijan
- Portuguese
- Russia
- Turkey
- French
- Add yours language
We need help to add new language localization support for libarary. If you have any hope to help us we were very happy and you can check following GitHub Issues URL to contribute. To contribute get res/values/string.xml file and translate to newer language. Place it on res/values-"spacific_lang"/string.xml
Please feel free to contact me or submit a pull request to add your app in the start of the list.
Icon | Application | Icon | Application |
[Your app] | ping me or send a pull request | Millionaire - in English | |
Миллионер - на Pусском | Milyoner - Türkçe | ||
Milyonçu | Məzənnə | ||
MAHAds - Sample | DYP Qanunlar və Cərimələr | ||
Avto Nişanlar | Ləzzət |
- Android update checker library. Library for notifing update information to installed android apps on android device.
- Library for encryption and decryption strings on Android apps and PC Java applications.
Copyright 2015 - Sattar Hummatli
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.