This repo contains the notes/tutorials from my personal tech exploration.
- CKA related
- K8S related
- admission controllers
- antrea
- capd
- cert-manager
- etcd
- carvel-tool & kapp-controller
- kubevirt
- kudo
- auth-in-k8s
- rancher
- secrets store csi
- statefulset on vsphere
- how pod is created with network configured
- kustomize
- vitess
- k8s-list-watch
- hashicorp-nomad
- kube-apiserver-server-chain
- Tilt Dev
- Explore Helm
- multi-cluster: karmarda
- General knowledge base
- System design
- Distributed system architecture patterns
- Design data intensive application notes
- Design cases
- Design auto complete service
- Design collaborative editing
- Design instant messaging
- Design rate limiting
- Design news feeds
- Design netflix
- Design distributed file system
- Design text based search system
- Design distributed delayed job queue
- Design distributed caching
- Design real time interactions on live video
- Design message broker(RabbitMQ) or event streaming system(Kafka)
- Design geolocation based service(UberEats/DoorDash/...)
- Design i18n/translation service
- Design distributed web crawler
- Design stock exchange
- Design Netflix/Youtube
- Design distributed counter
- Design realtime comment
- Design realtime presence
- Design monitoring system
- How Facebook xxx series
- How Google xxx series
- How Amazon xxx series
- How Uber xxx series