WARNING! This version was tested for compatibility with UE 4.21 version only!
UE4 plugin for navmesh export
- Clone https://github.com/darkwere/ServerRecast.git repo.
- In ServerRecast folder run git command: git submodule update --init --remote
- Put ServerRecast into [Your project]\Plugins folder.
- In ServerRecast\recastnavigation folder look for readme.md file for instructions to build the solution. (Look down for explanations)
- Open the level in Unreal Engine 4.
- Put Navmesh Bounds Volume into the level.
- Resize Navmesh Bounds Volume to fill all the necessary space in the level. You can check it by pressing 'P' key.
- Press ServerRecast button in the top panel of Unreal Engine (it will appear there if you install the plugin successfully).
- RecastDemo program will show up.
- Select the type of sample mesh (solo mesh or tile mesh).
- Select input mesh <YOUR_LEVEL_NAME>.obj
- Press Build button.
- Press Save after Build is finished.
- solo_navmesh.bin or all_tiles_navmesh.bin (depends on selected sample) is your Navmesh file, now you can use it.
Explanations for p.4:
- Put premake5.exe file into recastnavigation\RecastDemo folder.
- Run "premake5.exe vs2017" at the command prompt.
- Extract SDL library into recastnavigation\RecastDemo\Contrib folder and rename "SDL2-2.0.9" folder to "SDL".
- Open recastnavigation.sln at recastnavigation\RecastDemo\Build\vs2017 folder with VS2017 and build solution.
- Check RecastDemo.exe at recastnavigation\RecastDemo\bin folder, run and test it with build-in meshes.