Terraform module to provision an AWS EC2 instance with an S3 backing store for running the Minecraft server.
- Download and play any available version of minecraft (downloaded from Mojang)
- Configurable syncing (frequency in minutes) of game folder on EC2 to S3
- When done, keep your game in S3 and pick up where you left off
Example from latest version, using default values for everything:
module "minecraft" {
source = "git@github.com:darrelldavis/terraform-aws-minecraft.git?ref=master"
This will create all needed resources, including an S3 bucket to persist the game state. If you subsequently use terraform destroy
the S3 bucket will not be destroyed as it will not be empty. You can choose to delete the bucket yourself with aws s3 rb s3://bucket-name --force
or keep the game for future play. If the latter, add the bucket as bucket_name
in your module call, for example:
module "minecraft" {
source = "git@github.com:darrelldavis/terraform-aws-minecraft.git?ref=master"
bucket_name = "games-minecraft-1234567890"
This will sync the bucket contents to the EC2 instance before starting minecraft and you can pick up play where you left off!
See examples directory for full example(s).
Example using original (legacy) version:
module "minecraft" {
source = "git@github.com:darrelldavis/terraform-aws-minecraft.git?ref=v1.0"
Name | Description | Default | Required |
allowed_cidrs | Allow these CIDR blocks to the server - default is the Universe | | |
ami | AMI to use for the instance, tested with Ubuntu and Amazon Linux 2 LTS | latest Ubuntu | |
associate_public_ip_address | Toggle public IP | true | |
bucket_name | Bucket name for persisting minecraft world | generated name | |
environment | Environment (for tags) | prod | |
instance_type | EC2 instance type/size | t2.medium (NOTE: NOT free tier!) | |
java_ms_mem | Java initial and minimum heap size | 2G | |
java_mx_mem | Java maximum heap size | 2G | |
key_name | EC2 key name for provisioning and access | generated | |
name | Name to use for servers, tags, etc (e.g. minecraft) | mc | |
namespace | Namespace, which could be your organization name or abbreviation (for tags) | games | |
mc_backup_freq | How often (mins) to sync to S3 | 5 | |
mc_port | TCP port for minecraft. If you change this from the default, you also need to manually edit the minecraft server.properties file in S3 and/or EC2 instannce after the build. (todo: install custom server.properties ) |
25565 | |
mc_root | Where to install minecraft | /home/minecraft |
mc_version | Which version of minecraft to install | latest | |
subnet_id | VPC subnet id to place the instance | chosen from default VPC | |
tags | Any extra tags to assign to objects | {} | |
vpc_id | VPC for security group | default VPC |
Name | Description |
ec2_instance_profile | EC2 instance profile |
id | EC2 instance ID |
private_key | The private key data in PEM format |
public_ip | Instance public IP |
public_key | The public key data in PEM format |
public_key_openssh | The public key data in OpenSSH authorized_keys format |
subnet_id | Subnet ID instance is connected to |
vpc_id | VPC ID for instance |
zzz_ec2_ssh | SSH command to connect to instance |
MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.