is a Golang library designed to provide an easy and intuitive way to interact with the VeChainThor
blockchain. It simplifies blockchain interactions, making it straightforward for developers to build and manage
applications on VeChainThor.
- Easy-to-Use Interface: Provides a simple and accessible API for VeChainThor interactions.
- Blockchain Interaction: Facilitates transactions, smart contract interactions, and more.
- Golang Support: Leverages the power and efficiency of Go for blockchain development.
The Thor GO SDK is built on top of the latest version of geth. Familiarity with the Geth repository is encouraged, particularly when working with Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs), cryptographic operations (hashing, signing, and managing private keys), and other low-level blockchain functions. Understanding these elements can help in effectively utilizing the SDK and troubleshooting any related issues.
To install the Thor GO SDK, run the following command:
go get
- thorgen: A command line tool that generates Go smart contract wrappers for VeChainThor blockchain.
is the primary package in the Thor GO SDK. It provides a high-level interface for interacting with the VeChainThor blockchain. This package includes functions for querying account balances, transactions, blocks, and smart contracts. It also supports simulating, building, and sending transactions, as well as interacting with smart contracts for reading and transacting.
- The
package provides raw REST access to the VeChainThor blockchain. It allows developers to query the blockchain directly without the need for higher-level abstractions provided bythorgo
- The
package provides a way to sign, send, and delegate transactions. - The delegation managers can be used to easily delegate transaction gas fees.
- Note: The private key implementations in this package are not secure. It is recommended to use a secure key management solution in a production environment.
- To create your own transaction manager or signer, you can implement the
type TxManager interface {
SendClauses(clauses []*tx.Clause) (common.Hash, error)
- The
package is a copy of the vechain/thor/tx package and can be used to build transactions wherethorgo
does not provide the necessary functionality.
- The
package provides quick access to Thor solo values for testing and development purposes.
- The
package provides a way to encode, sign, and verify certificates in accordance with VIP-192
- The
package provides a way to generate HD wallets and derive keys from them.
package main
import (
func main() {
thor := thorgo.New(context.Background(), solo.URL)
// Get an accounts balance
acc, err := thor.Account(common.HexToAddress("0x0000000000000000000000000000456e6570")).Get()
- It is recommended to create your smart contract wrapper using the
CLI. This provides a more idiomatic way to interact with the contract.
package main
import (
func main() {
thor := thorgo.New(context.Background(), "http://localhost:8669")
// Create a delegated transaction manager
origin := txmanager.FromPK(solo.Keys()[0], thor.Client)
gasPayer := txmanager.NewDelegator(solo.Keys()[1])
txSender := txmanager.NewDelegatedManager(thor.Client, origin, gasPayer)
// Use the `thorgen` CLI to build your own smart contract wrapper
vtho, _ := builtins.NewVTHOTransactor(thor.Client, txSender)
// Create a new account to receive the tokens
recipient, _ := txmanager.GeneratePK(thor.Client)
// Call the balanceOf function
balance, err := vtho.BalanceOf(recipient.Address())
slog.Info("recipient balance before", "balance", balance, "error", err)
tx, err := vtho.Transfer(recipient.Address(), big.NewInt(1000000000000000000), &transactions.Options{})
if err != nil {
slog.Error("transfer error", "error", err)
receipt, _ := tx.Wait(context.Background())
slog.Info("transfer receipt", "error", receipt.Reverted)
balance, err = vtho.BalanceOf(recipient.Address())
slog.Info("recipient balance after", "balance", balance, "error", err)
package main
import (
func main() {
thor := thorgo.New(context.Background(), "http://localhost:8669")
// Create a delegated transaction manager
origin := txmanager.FromPK(solo.Keys()[0], thor.Client)
recipient1, _ := txmanager.GeneratePK(thor.Client)
recipient2, _ := txmanager.GeneratePK(thor.Client)
vtho, _ := builtins.NewVTHOTransactor(thor.Client, origin)
clause1, _ := vtho.TransferAsClause(recipient1.Address(), big.NewInt(1000))
clause2, _ := vtho.TransferAsClause(recipient2.Address(), big.NewInt(9999))
tx, _ := origin.SendClauses([]*tx.Clause{clause1, clause2}, &transactions.Options{})
slog.Info("transaction sent", "id", tx.ID())
trx, _ := tx.Wait(context.Background())
slog.Info("transaction mined", "reverted", trx.Reverted)
balance1, _ := vtho.BalanceOf(recipient1.Address())
balance2, _ := vtho.BalanceOf(recipient2.Address())
slog.Info("recipient1", "balance", balance1)
slog.Info("recipient2", "balance", balance2)