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Hackintosh-Evo Hackathon Project


Scope of Project: SOCIAL GOOD

Team Name: InfoMech

Project Team Members:

  1. Darshan R
  2. Karthik A
  3. Suranvik S R
  4. Neha Taranum
  5. Manjushree H E

Aim of The Model:

The aim of the model is to prevent the collision of vehicles by using ultrasonic sensors interfaced with Arduino UNO to calculate the distance between the vehicle and the obstacle and to prevent collision using the auto speed reduction system. The proposed system comprises an idea of having safety while driving. By the study of hypothesis on ultrasonic sensor, we come to know that it uses sonar waves to calculate the accurate distance between two objects. By using this feature of ultrasonic sensor we can find the distance between two bodies and we apply automated brakes to prevent accidents.

Prototype Building:

The prototype main components are prototype base of sunboard sheet, 4 wheels, DC motors, ultrasonic sensor, bluetooth RC module, Arduino UNO board, H - Bridge circuit, battery and jumber wires. The wheels are driven by DC motor which are connect to the battery through H-bridge ciruit. The sensor, bluetooth module are connected to Arduino UNO board using jumber wires, the power connection is given from the battery.

The testing and calibration of ultrasonic sensor is done by bringing some object infront of it in certain distance and reading will be recorded. The program is written in Arduino IDE. After writting the program it will be uploaded to the microcontroller from the Computer using USB connector. The program can be written based on setting the limit for the certain disance by taking reference to the readings recorded. By this the signal will processed in Arduino microcontroller, then the based on program written the process can be controlled.

Working Methodology:

All the components process is controlled through the microcontroller which connected using the jumper wires. The power for the components is supplied from battery. The components are not directly connected with battery, they are connected through the H-bridge circuit. Here the movement of the vehicle prototype is connrolled by the Android device through Arduino Bluetooth RC Car app using it we connect to bluetooth RC module. When the vehicle prototype is moved, if there is object in front of the protytpe the ultrasonic sensor which is mounted in front of prototype it will senses the object through its signal and send it to microcontroller, which process the sensor signal based on the program written and give the output to control the prototype by stopping the moving of it.

Software Requirement:

Software Name Description
Arduino IDE for writing code
Arduino Bluetooth RC Car Software used in Android for controlling the model through bluetooth model
Arduino Voice Control Software used in Android for controlling the model through voice

Hardware Requirement:

  • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module
  • HC-05 Bluetooth Module With TTL Output
  • Arduino UNO
  • LED lights
  • Jumper wires
  • L298N Motor Driver
  • RC Car Chassis
  • Lead Acid Battery 7Ah
  • DC Geared Motor 200RPM
  • Wheel 110mm.

Reference Documents:

Project Prototype Image

Project prototype image

Testing and Working Demo

Final Note:

The project is presesnted at Hackathon and got 4th place in the event.Thank you Crystal Sparrow Labs who guided us on this project and thank you all the team members who took part in this project.

You can use this project for your project work and if you need more information and help on this project you can contact me through Email.



Distance based accident avoidance system using ultrasonic sensor and Arduino UNO.





